100NO 597: A Lovers’ Tiff on Longevity

Following on from episode 596, Damo and Marcus pick up on their conversation on family and friends and the different energy they bring to our own relationships. Is it a lovers tiff or a robust discussion where they agree to disagree?! Tune in to find out more! You can read the article – 7 Types… Continue reading 100NO 597: A Lovers’ Tiff on Longevity

PAP 106: Aware Parenting with Joss Goulden

Welcome back to the Primal Alternative Podcast, and we’ve got a fantastic episode in store for you today. I’m your host, Helen Marshall, and it’s great to have you with us. Now, grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Aware Parenting with our special guest, Joss Goulden. Here are… Continue reading PAP 106: Aware Parenting with Joss Goulden

WWR 231: Male Contraception

Have you seen all the hype in the media about the male birth control ‘pill’? If you’re considering this for your partner do you want to know why this has taken so long to get to human trial testing stages and most importantly – is it safe? On this episode of wellness women radio, Dr… Continue reading WWR 231: Male Contraception

NTM 277: The dangers of putting someone on a pedestal or in a pit

The emotional see-saw of comparison with others is feedback to let us know we’re not really seeing the full picture. In this episode we unpack how infatuation and resentment works in relationships, and how to get back into your heart, and in appreciation for the magnificent whole. Nourishing the Mother http://www.nourishingthemother.com.au Suburban Sandcastles – Bridget… Continue reading NTM 277: The dangers of putting someone on a pedestal or in a pit

TWIW 79: Bouncing back from Rock Bottom

This Week In Wellness I have officially launched pre-sales of my new book Rock Bottom. Whether you feel like you are at Rock Bottom, on your way there or on your way back this book has some timeless, practical advice to help you smooth out the journey. Bouncing back from Rock Bottom need not always… Continue reading TWIW 79: Bouncing back from Rock Bottom

HP 67: The Evolution Of Business, Love and Life

Our mindset is critical in determining who we become and how successful we get. No matter if it’s Business, Career, Relationships, Health….the way you think and act affects your whole life. The importance of continually grooming the way you think; what you do and don’t let into your world is crucial for evolving into the… Continue reading HP 67: The Evolution Of Business, Love and Life

TNN 100: Celebrating 100 With Conscious Couples

Happy to be celebrating our 100th episode of this podcast! With special guests Cindra and Luke from Conscious Couples (conscious-couples.com) and Sam, my husband. Reminiscing on our past one hundred episodes, we want to say a big THANKYOU to you all for being on this journey with us. Mel talks about the evolution of this… Continue reading TNN 100: Celebrating 100 With Conscious Couples

TWB 2: From breakdown to breakthrough with Tracey Kyne

Our guest on The Wellness Breakthrough podcast today is a women we hold very dear to our hearts here at The Wellness Couch. When we first met Tracie Kyne at a Wellness Summit she was by her own admission overweight, struggling to juggle the demands of work life, family life, her marriage, social life and… Continue reading TWB 2: From breakdown to breakthrough with Tracey Kyne

HBH 41: Puberty & Relationships On The Spectrum

Masturbation, erections, orgasms, puberty and sexual relations are NOT taboo in this podcast episode!! We cover it all in an open conversation with Nelle Francis, special needs educator and mum to a 29-year-old autistic son. We talk about how puberty presents in both girls and boys on the spectrum, common vulnerabilities, how to initiate these… Continue reading HBH 41: Puberty & Relationships On The Spectrum

SE 12: Self Expression and Communication

Do you speak your truth and stand up for yourself? Do you feel free to communicate with ease? Do swallow your thoughts and feelings or do you feel comfortable to let the world know you’re here? Toby drops the ‘truth bomb’ that there will always be a little part of ourselves that is trying to… Continue reading SE 12: Self Expression and Communication