SLP 389: Self Love Quicky – Cherishing Special Friendships

In the busyness of our modern lives, it’s easy to get swept away by endless to-do lists and mounting responsibilities. Yet, amidst the busyness, there’s something incredibly valuable that often gets overlooked, and that is precious friendships. The bonds we form with special souls can significantly enhance our wellbeing and enrich our lives in ways… Continue reading SLP 389: Self Love Quicky – Cherishing Special Friendships

SE 15: Teenage Relationships

Wow, there are some awesome relationships that start when we are at school and there are also some of the most heartbreaking times as we explore our first loves and first encounters of adulthood. Today our podcasters explore if teenage relationships are a good thing or if they are a road to self-destruction? Do you… Continue reading SE 15: Teenage Relationships

SE 12: Self Expression and Communication

Do you speak your truth and stand up for yourself? Do you feel free to communicate with ease? Do swallow your thoughts and feelings or do you feel comfortable to let the world know you’re here? Toby drops the ‘truth bomb’ that there will always be a little part of ourselves that is trying to… Continue reading SE 12: Self Expression and Communication

SE 2: Spot light on Nicola Dickman

Get up close and personal with our gorgeous podcast host, Nicola Dickman. In this show, you’ll be a fly on the wall and our team explores Nicola’s years growing up and hear all about her challenges and opportunities. Life isn’t always smooth sailing and when difficulties strike, we are always charged to answer the BIG… Continue reading SE 2: Spot light on Nicola Dickman