SE 12: Self Expression and Communication

Do you speak your truth and stand up for yourself? Do you feel free to communicate with ease? Do swallow your thoughts and feelings or do you feel comfortable to let the world know you’re here? Toby drops the ‘truth bomb’ that there will always be a little part of ourselves that is trying to… Continue reading SE 12: Self Expression and Communication

SE 11: Toxic Relationships

Do you feel your relationships have equal give and take? Nicola talks about what makes relationships really hard work and Toby talks about the magic of Random acts of kindness! He speaks from the heart and shares what really matters in friendships. What do you do if you think you’re in a toxic relationship? How… Continue reading SE 11: Toxic Relationships

SE 10: Bullying is NOT COOL!

Did you know that there are double the number of bullies to the number of victims? What the? Did you know that over a million people get bullied each year? What is the solution? Toby says we need to learn to manage our emotions, Erica speaks of both online and face to face bullying and… Continue reading SE 10: Bullying is NOT COOL!

SE 9: Screen Time Should We Be Worried?

Our podcast hosts have alot to say about the effects of screens and how they have noticed changes in their own behaviours and moods when they have been on their screens, phones, TV’s and devices! Goodness, can you imagine the impact screens have on younger kids and brains? Take a listen as Toby, Erica and… Continue reading SE 9: Screen Time Should We Be Worried?

SE 8: Drugs and Alcohol for Youth

When is it ok to experiment or experience drugs and/or alcohol? This week, our show hosts explore the addictive nature of drugs and alcohol and how it can affect the future of our younger generations. Toby questions if there is ever a time or a place for alcohol and the girls share their own experiences… Continue reading SE 8: Drugs and Alcohol for Youth

SE 7: Stress and Stress Management

“Your body (or your mind) doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined.”  With the stress of society, these days including so much work, information overload, activities, expectations, pressure of figuring out what we want to do… then add money into the equation! OMG!! Wowsers, it’s tough and learning to cope,… Continue reading SE 7: Stress and Stress Management

SE 6: Get Moving!

On this week’s episode, our podcasters, Nicola, Toby and Erica chat about what it means to GET MOVING and how young people can incorporate it into their daily lives. Nicola shares the downsides to being sedentary and Erica questions why it’s even necessary! Toby loves the water and swims, surfs and spends as much time… Continue reading SE 6: Get Moving!

SE 5: Family Matters

Some families are fulfilling, encouraging and loving. Others feel volatile, abusive and full of alienation. This week our hosts explore what it means to recognise abuse and how to respond as well as how to contribute to family harmony and ultimately inner peace. Do family always have your back? What do we do when there… Continue reading SE 5: Family Matters

SE 4: Spotlight on Erica Claire

Wowsers, at just 19 years old, our Erica Claire has experienced her fair share of life’s ups and downs! In this episode, we get up close and personal with Erica to discover what makes her tick, what gets her inspired and how she keeps herself focused on making a difference to the people she loves.… Continue reading SE 4: Spotlight on Erica Claire

SE 3: Spotlight on Toby Bogert

Toby Vanden Bogert is our amazingly mature 15 year old guy that has tackled his fair share of challenges in such a young life. In today’s show, we dive deep into Toby’s life experiences as he shares the difference that makes a difference when it comes to overcoming, busting through and coming out the other… Continue reading SE 3: Spotlight on Toby Bogert