WWR 160: Male Fertility

Did you know that sperm counts have halved worldwide in the last 40 years! Is this fact terrifying or what? This male infertility crisis is caused by hormonal imbalances, exposure to environmental endocrine disrupters such as plastics, bisphenol A (BPA) etc as well as the rising rates of obesity. i.e diet, lifestyle and stressors! On… Continue reading WWR 160: Male Fertility

PAP 72: Menopause 101 with Dr Andrea Huddleston

Dr Andrea Huddleston is a women’s health, natural fertility specialist and integrative chiropractor practising in Perth, Australia. She is the co-host of the award winning podcast Wellness Women Radio and is affectionately referred to as ‘the period whisperer’ by her patients! In addition to her Chiropractic degrees, Dr Andrea holds two post-graduate, Masters degrees in… Continue reading PAP 72: Menopause 101 with Dr Andrea Huddleston

WWR 157: Hay Fever

Are you suffering from awful allergies and horrible hay fever? Do you always dread the onset of spring? Have you wondered why some people are affected so much more than others? If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions then it’s time to tune in to this weeks episode of Wellness Women Radio! Hay… Continue reading WWR 157: Hay Fever

WWR 154: The Oldest Women in the World with Kale Brock

What do the oldest living women in the world have in common? Are they vegan or paleo? Monks or marathon runners? In this special episode of Wellness Women Radio our great friend, Kale Brock, gives us an exclusive insight into what the centenarian women do to live well, without heavy pharmaceutical intervention or surgeries! Do… Continue reading WWR 154: The Oldest Women in the World with Kale Brock

WWR 153: Food Labelling Deception

The food industry is well versed at smoke and mirrors! There are over 100 different names for sugar that might be used on an ingredient list but it doesn’t stop there! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Cyndi O’Meara joins Dr Andrea to shine some light on the new tricks that are being used… Continue reading WWR 153: Food Labelling Deception

WWR 152: Emotional Eating

Why do women emotionally eat? Is it just will power or are our hormones involved? Why do we all have such a distorted relationship with food? On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh answer these questions and dive into the causes and triggers around emotional eating as well as looking at… Continue reading WWR 152: Emotional Eating

WWR 151: Graves’ disease

The thyroid gland is a pretty complicated little part of our endocrine system and certainly works according to the ‘goldilocks’ principle, we don’t want an overactive or underachieve thyroid! We very commonly see a lot of patients with an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, but overactive thyroid function can wreck just as much havoc on the… Continue reading WWR 151: Graves’ disease

WWR 150: Nutrient Depletion and Hormonal Contraceptives

Did you know that taking oral contraceptives can deplete your body of key nutrients needed for optimal health? On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea are diving into the nutritional downside of taking hormonal contraceptives and the impact this can have on your biochemistry! As always, they look at solutions… Continue reading WWR 150: Nutrient Depletion and Hormonal Contraceptives

WWR 149: Is It Really Your Thyroid?

Everyone seems to have a ‘thyroid problem’ at the moment? Have you noticed that? There is a HUGE gap between the Western vs functional medicine approach to understanding and testing thyroid function but with this divide comes so much confusion and the thyroid gland is now seen as the culprit for all things! In this… Continue reading WWR 149: Is It Really Your Thyroid?

WWR 148: The Carnivore Diet

Have you heard of the carivore diet? That’s right, a diet of meat and meat only! Seems pretty extreme and unbelievable right? Tune in to this episode of Wellness Women Radio and hear about the latest in dieting fads and why people may be turning to a meat only meal plan. Don’t forget to follow… Continue reading WWR 148: The Carnivore Diet