WWR 149: Is It Really Your Thyroid?

Everyone seems to have a ‘thyroid problem’ at the moment? Have you noticed that? There is a HUGE gap between the Western vs functional medicine approach to understanding and testing thyroid function but with this divide comes so much confusion and the thyroid gland is now seen as the culprit for all things! In this… Continue reading WWR 149: Is It Really Your Thyroid?

PAP 58: Vivica Menegaz – Keto Paleo for Women

Vivica Menegaz is a certified whole-food nutritionist, health blogger, published author, a prominent thought leader in ketogenic and paleolithic diet and lifestyle practices, as well as one of the world’s leading voices for a food-based approach to healing. She is the founder of the “The Healing Foods Method,” a 14-week online nutrition program where she… Continue reading PAP 58: Vivica Menegaz – Keto Paleo for Women