100NO 469: How to stay healthy as you get older

Marcus is wondering how Damo continues to have high standards for his physical health as he gets older. The majority of humanity slowly give up on their physical health standards as they get older, losing muscular strength, becoming obese (through a lowered muscle to fat ratio), and all in all, losing the spark and vitality… Continue reading 100NO 469: How to stay healthy as you get older

WWR 154: The Oldest Women in the World with Kale Brock

What do the oldest living women in the world have in common? Are they vegan or paleo? Monks or marathon runners? In this special episode of Wellness Women Radio our great friend, Kale Brock, gives us an exclusive insight into what the centenarian women do to live well, without heavy pharmaceutical intervention or surgeries! Do… Continue reading WWR 154: The Oldest Women in the World with Kale Brock