TWIW 172: Eating late bad for metabolism, hunger and obesity risk

This Week In Wellness a study published in Cell Metabolism has shown that eating late causes decreased energy expenditure, increased hunger, and changes in fat tissue that may increase the risk of obesity. Retrieve%2fapi%2FS1550413122003977%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

TWIW 131: Supportive strategies help picky eaters

This Week In Wellness in a lesson for all parents and caregivers adults who were picky eaters as kids thank strategies that were positive and encouraging for helping them change their palate.

WWR 152: Emotional Eating

Why do women emotionally eat? Is it just will power or are our hormones involved? Why do we all have such a distorted relationship with food? On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh answer these questions and dive into the causes and triggers around emotional eating as well as looking at… Continue reading WWR 152: Emotional Eating

AQJ 142: Helping Teens to Eat Well, with Dr Damian Kristof & Jo Whitton

As kids get older and become more independent, they sometimes begin to move away from the healthy foods they’ve been raised on. Hanging out with friends, getting their license and first car, going off to work or uni, going to parties and places where the food is far from ideal… Parents often feel stressed about… Continue reading AQJ 142: Helping Teens to Eat Well, with Dr Damian Kristof & Jo Whitton

TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system

This Week In Wellness Australia and New Zealand’s health star food rating system has been criticised by Public health researchers and lawyers from the George Institute for Global Health because salty, sugary and fatty products are scoring too highly as producers are accused of “gaming the system”. With the Institute’s public health lawyer, Alexandra Jones… Continue reading TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system

HBH 28: Navigating The Chemical Maze

When the brain and body are overloaded with toxins they don’t have the opportunity to function optimally. Our modern day world is full of chemicals which although are often hard to avoid, there is a great deal you can be doing to safely navigate the chemical maze. We conversation dives deep into the common toxic… Continue reading HBH 28: Navigating The Chemical Maze

TNN 61: Speech Pathology & Tongue Ties

Special guest Val Gent from Let’s Eat Paediatric Speech Pathology joins me on the show today to talk about how speech pathology works and specifically discuss tongue ties and how this affects children. Val decided to move into paediatric speech pathology when she was moved by a baby she encountered on her university practicum, and… Continue reading TNN 61: Speech Pathology & Tongue Ties

AQJ 91: Fasting – A Key Tool for Health & Wellbeing

In our modern society, fasting is often considered to be starvation, but it has historically been a revered tool in most cultures on the planet. Whether for spiritual or health reasons, our ancestors’ approach to fasting is now scientifically shown to promote incredible health benefits. We are joined on this episode by our friend Marcus… Continue reading AQJ 91: Fasting – A Key Tool for Health & Wellbeing

MUM 010: Mandy Adno: Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

SHOWNOTES Since this episode was recorded I’ve been so impatient to release it as this episode has something for ALL mums. From .. when and how to introduce first foods, why kids might be fussy with food, what to do about it, clear signs for when to seek help and there are so many fabulous links… Continue reading MUM 010: Mandy Adno: Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

TWG 29: Can you be a ‘healthy’ Vegetarian?

This week The Wellness Guys talk about vegetarianism. Is it possible to be a healthy vegetarian? Where do most vegetarians go wrong? What nutrients may you be missing out on if you are on a typical vegetarian diet and how can you do it better? These questions and more are answered By Dr Brett Hill,… Continue reading TWG 29: Can you be a ‘healthy’ Vegetarian?