WWR 157: Hay Fever

Are you suffering from awful allergies and horrible hay fever? Do you always dread the onset of spring? Have you wondered why some people are affected so much more than others? If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions then it’s time to tune in to this weeks episode of Wellness Women Radio! Hay… Continue reading WWR 157: Hay Fever

AQJ 144: Understanding Histamine Intolerance

Many people struggle with histamine reactions and have been diagnosed with Histamine Intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and have had to limit their diet to reduce reactions. What do these terms mean? What are the symptoms and causes? And what can you do to heal from these issues? In this interview, Elyse Comerford (nutritionist,… Continue reading AQJ 144: Understanding Histamine Intolerance

RFR 152: Gut Health, Histamine & Food Intolerances with Alison Vickery

In Episode 152 of The Real Food Reel we are joined by Alison Vickery to discuss gut health, histamine and food intolerances. You will learn about the impact of chronic stress, mast cell activation, why no two histamine intolerance food lists the same and the number one strategy you need to do to reduce your… Continue reading RFR 152: Gut Health, Histamine & Food Intolerances with Alison Vickery