TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system

This Week In Wellness Australia and New Zealand’s health star food rating system has been criticised by Public health researchers and lawyers from the George Institute for Global Health because salty, sugary and fatty products are scoring too highly as producers are accused of “gaming the system”. With the Institute’s public health lawyer, Alexandra Jones… Continue reading TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system

TWG 355: Sports Dietitian Ryan Pinto

This week Brett and Damian have a chat with sports dietitian Ryan Pinto. Ryan has extensive experience with top shelf rugby clubs like the Parramatta Eels and now the South Sydney Rabitohs  and shares some of his unique insights into how these elite athletes perform to their full potential and how you can do so… Continue reading TWG 355: Sports Dietitian Ryan Pinto