HBH 28: Navigating The Chemical Maze

When the brain and body are overloaded with toxins they don’t have the opportunity to function optimally. Our modern day world is full of chemicals which although are often hard to avoid, there is a great deal you can be doing to safely navigate the chemical maze. We conversation dives deep into the common toxic… Continue reading HBH 28: Navigating The Chemical Maze

HBH 14: Inflammation & Autism – A Holistic Approach with Dr Madiha Saeed

Today we are talking all about inflammation. Many children on the spectrum experience chronic stress caused by everyday stressors such as transitions, social situations, a diet high in processed foods and poor quality sleep. And this constant stress day after day can cause inflammation in their little bodies. Eliminating inflammation from the body requires a… Continue reading HBH 14: Inflammation & Autism – A Holistic Approach with Dr Madiha Saeed

HBH 3: Autism & Diet – The Foundations Of Healing with Kris Barrett

Rhiannon speaks with Kris Barrett who wears a lot of hats including certified health and nutrition coach, bio individual nutrition practitioner, MINDD practitioner and certified GAPS practitioner. She is also an author of two books – No Cows Today and High Thrive Me! Kris specialises in helping families living with children on the spectrum through… Continue reading HBH 3: Autism & Diet – The Foundations Of Healing with Kris Barrett