AQJ 14: Bone Broths: How and why to make them

Broth Broth. Has the world gone mad for the stuff? What’s so good about it? This week on A Quirky Journey we share the art of preparing bone broth – also known as stock – and how it can help with both healing the gut, and adding deliciousness to your meals! We discuss the history of broth making, the… Continue reading AQJ 14: Bone Broths: How and why to make them

AQJ 13: Natural Approaches for Special Needs Children – Interview with Kristen Morrison

This week Jo and Leah are joined by Kristen Morrison, to talk about natural approaches for special needs children. Kristen was a fashion designer when her third child was unexpectedly born with Down syndrome, and so began a dramatic change of focus to natural therapies and alternative interventions to help him achieve his best. Through… Continue reading AQJ 13: Natural Approaches for Special Needs Children – Interview with Kristen Morrison

AQJ 12: Mother Knows Best: Interview with Joanne Hall

What do you do when your newborn baby screams constantly in pain? Have you ever wondered what you would do if your child was diagnosed with severe allergies? What kind of approach do you take to help and heal this baby? In this episode of ‘A Quirky Journey’ we speak with the brilliantly driven Joanne Hall,… Continue reading AQJ 12: Mother Knows Best: Interview with Joanne Hall

AQJ 11: Homeschooling: How and why we educate our kids at home

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to educate your kids at home? Are you wondering what would make a family decide to homeschool? Do you have questions about the benefits to the kids and the family overall? Find out why both Jo and Leah felt they didn’t fit ‘the system’, and what made them decide to… Continue reading AQJ 11: Homeschooling: How and why we educate our kids at home

AQJ 10: GAPS from a kid’s perspective: Isaac’s journey so far

This week we have a very special guest – Jo’s son, Isaac, who is the main reason her family began GAPS. Isaac is 13 years old, and very eager to share his experiences with changing his diet and how it has helped him to heal and recover from severe OCD. Just six months ago, Isaac was… Continue reading AQJ 10: GAPS from a kid’s perspective: Isaac’s journey so far

AQJ 09: Interview with Talisha Kendall: Healing IBS, Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Naturally

Do you suffer IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn’s Disease? Do you struggle with absorbing nutrients, and suffering from low energy levels, even though you eat well? Have you ever been in a situation that requires urgent medical intervention and you know the decisions you make now will affect your entire life? What would you do if your body was… Continue reading AQJ 09: Interview with Talisha Kendall: Healing IBS, Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Naturally

AQJ 08: Fat Adapted: Using healthy fats as an energy source

This episode begins with Jo sharing where she is at with her and her family’s health and GAPS journey, the ups and downs, and the importance of marking time while waiting for the gut to heal. The discussion then turns to fats, and Jo and Leah are joined by a return special guest, Mark Follett. Mark explains how to… Continue reading AQJ 08: Fat Adapted: Using healthy fats as an energy source

AQJ 07: How Gut Health Affects Hormones, Fertility & Women’s Health – with Samantha Bulloch

In this episode we interview Samantha Bulloch, ND, Clinical Director & practicing naturopath, who is an expert in women’s health issues and helps many families with healing infertility issues. Samantha gives us a fascinating insight into what is happening in the body when gut health breaks down, and how it affects everything else in the… Continue reading AQJ 07: How Gut Health Affects Hormones, Fertility & Women’s Health – with Samantha Bulloch

AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

Are you on an elimination diet of some kind, whether GAPS or another one, and finding it frustrating that you seem to be reacting to foods more strongly than you used to? In this episode Jo and Leah discuss why this happens in the early phases of GAPS, and why it’s not a bad thing.  Your body… Continue reading AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS

For most people, it’s a bit scary to think of moving away from your usual way of eating to a gut-healing diet like GAPS, and one of the scariest things is the thought of the de-toxing and die-off symptoms that you’ll go through. So how does it feel to go through the die-off phase of GAPS? What kinds… Continue reading AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS