AQJ 148: Navigating Parasites, Metals and Candida When Healing

In this episode, Jo chats with Elyse Comerford, Integrative Nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner, about where to begin on your gut healing journey when you suspect metal toxicity, parasites and/or candida are an issue. This is a question that comes up a lot in the Quirky Cooking for Gut Health chat group… Do you start with… Continue reading AQJ 148: Navigating Parasites, Metals and Candida When Healing

AQJ 113: Heavy Metal Detox with Wendy Myers

Are you doing all you can to eat well and live low-tox, but still finding you are low on energy, suffering from brain fog, having trouble sleeping, struggling with adrenal fatigue, fertility issues, or can’t lose weight? These can be symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, and are becoming more and more common in our society.… Continue reading AQJ 113: Heavy Metal Detox with Wendy Myers

AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS

For most people, it’s a bit scary to think of moving away from your usual way of eating to a gut-healing diet like GAPS, and one of the scariest things is the thought of the de-toxing and die-off symptoms that you’ll go through. So how does it feel to go through the die-off phase of GAPS? What kinds… Continue reading AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS

AQJ 04: The How To’s of Making Home Changes for Health and Healing

Whether you are beginning the GAPS diet, or just working towards a healthier lifestyle, your home is an important place to start. In this episode we share our practical tips for preparing yourself and your home. Learn about detoxing your home and personal care products, finding the right water filter, helpful kitchen tools, getting started with broth making, how… Continue reading AQJ 04: The How To’s of Making Home Changes for Health and Healing