AQJ 144: Understanding Histamine Intolerance

Many people struggle with histamine reactions and have been diagnosed with Histamine Intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and have had to limit their diet to reduce reactions. What do these terms mean? What are the symptoms and causes? And what can you do to heal from these issues? In this interview, Elyse Comerford (nutritionist,… Continue reading AQJ 144: Understanding Histamine Intolerance

AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

Are you on an elimination diet of some kind, whether GAPS or another one, and finding it frustrating that you seem to be reacting to foods more strongly than you used to? In this episode Jo and Leah discuss why this happens in the early phases of GAPS, and why it’s not a bad thing.  Your body… Continue reading AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?