TWIW 37: Australian teens amongst the least physically active in the world

This Week In Wellness a study published in The Lancet has ranked Australian teens 140th out of 146 countries for the physical activity of our teens. The study examined 1.6 million adolescent school students across 146 countries and compared them using the World Health Organisation’s physical activity guidelines that for this age group recommend a… Continue reading TWIW 37: Australian teens amongst the least physically active in the world

TWIW 26: Childhood gluten intake linked to coeliac disease

A study in the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) has shown that your risk of developing coeliac disease may be increased if you consume gluten as a child. “Our study shows a clear association between the amount of gluten the children consumed and the risk of developing coeliac disease or pre-coeliac disease.”, says… Continue reading TWIW 26: Childhood gluten intake linked to coeliac disease

AQJ 143: Helping Teens to Eat Well, Part 2

Following on from their last podcast, Jo and Fouad have an informal chat about their thoughts on helping children to eat well – with plenty of humour, stories, and insights from their own families! They talk about: the importance of knowing what your goals are, and what you’re trying to teach your kids regarding health… Continue reading AQJ 143: Helping Teens to Eat Well, Part 2

TWIW 19: Barefoot may be better for kids

This Week In Wellness a new study reveals children who are habitually barefoot between the ages of 6-10 show significantly better motor skills including better balance and jumping skills. Shout out to Dr Jacey Pryjma from the Australian Children’s Chiropractic centre for bringing this research to my attention. Published in Frontiers in Pediatrics, this is… Continue reading TWIW 19: Barefoot may be better for kids

UC 340: Religious Rehab with Todd Preston

Elicit – swearing twice bloody and fuck In my twenties I knew everything, my thirties I lost everything, today I question everything…Todd Preston. The Chatters have the opportunity to interview one extraordinary man. Todd was bought up in the Mormon Church at 19 on his mission he knew everything, he says he had cognitive dissonance… Continue reading UC 340: Religious Rehab with Todd Preston

AQJ 140: Children’s Health, Eczema, Antibiotics, & Boosting Immunity

Jo has an extra special guest on the show today… Fouad is back! There’s lots of laughs and catching up, and sharing stories and news. We know you’ve missed their crazy banter, so grab a cuppa and enjoy the chat. Jo and Foo share their experiences of working through recent childhood illnesses and health issues… Continue reading AQJ 140: Children’s Health, Eczema, Antibiotics, & Boosting Immunity

TWIW 13: ACA President calls for public support

This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractors Association President Dr Anthony Coxon is calling for Australian Chiropractors, health professionals and members of the public to make sure that their views are heard on the topic of Chiropractic care for kids. He encourages them to head to the link attached in the show notes and fill… Continue reading TWIW 13: ACA President calls for public support

TWIW 1: An inquiry into Chiropractic care for children

This Week In Wellness COAG (the Council of Australian Governments) has announced that Victoria will commission an independent review of the practice of spinal manipulation on children under 12 years. These findings will be reported to the COAG Health Council, including the need for changes to the National Law. It is stated that ministers will… Continue reading TWIW 1: An inquiry into Chiropractic care for children

TNN 70: Raising Healthy Kids

Lover of whole and fermented foods, organic and toxic-free lifestyle advocate, integrative health student and essential oil representative Erin Picken joins Mel on the podcast today! Erin has had quite a journey with wellness, with her two children struggling with health issues that western medicine could not address. She turned to a naturopath, which lead… Continue reading TNN 70: Raising Healthy Kids

NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children

How do you decide to grow your family? What do these conversations look like in a relationship where one partner is a ‘no’? In this episode we explore the challenging conversations that take place as we seek to listen to our heart’s yearning, while respecting and honouring our partner’s desires…and Merry Christmas! Relevant links: Nourishing… Continue reading NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children