AQJ 143: Helping Teens to Eat Well, Part 2

Following on from their last podcast, Jo and Fouad have an informal chat about their thoughts on helping children to eat well – with plenty of humour, stories, and insights from their own families! They talk about: the importance of knowing what your goals are, and what you’re trying to teach your kids regarding health… Continue reading AQJ 143: Helping Teens to Eat Well, Part 2

FLO 12: Quick Tips- Follow your intuition…it may lead you to health!

When we are on a health journey, a lot of us are looking for the ‘answer’. That magic cure/supplement/herb/protocol/practitioner that will fix everything, then if it does we want to tell everyone..THIS is what you all need to do, it works! Well, something we know for sure is that there are thousands of things that… Continue reading FLO 12: Quick Tips- Follow your intuition…it may lead you to health!

FLO 8: Quick Tips- The 9 Healing Factors

Sometimes on this health journey we can hone in on just one are and lose the bigger picture. Elyse learnt the hard way that food isn’t going to fix the whole problem, it as important to look at all the factors that contribute to health. In this episode, Elyse reveals the 9 factors that are… Continue reading FLO 8: Quick Tips- The 9 Healing Factors