NTM 233: When your partner parents differently to you

Ok. So you know we LOVE conscious parenting, we deeply value respect, communication and awareness…bet you do too…but what happens when you parent with someone who, well, doesn’t so much….? How do you ‘teach them’? How do balance your child’s needs with your partners?…. Relevant links: Nourishing the Mother http://www.nourishingthemother.com.au Suburban Sandcastles – Bridget http://www.suburbansandcastles.com… Continue reading NTM 233: When your partner parents differently to you

NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children

How do you decide to grow your family? What do these conversations look like in a relationship where one partner is a ‘no’? In this episode we explore the challenging conversations that take place as we seek to listen to our heart’s yearning, while respecting and honouring our partner’s desires…and Merry Christmas! Relevant links: Nourishing… Continue reading NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children

NTM 163: When you choose a partner like your parents

In this episode we explore the profound nature of the patterns that get laid down in early childhood and how often we continue to run into those in our relationships. We look at perception, triggers and growth THROUGH your relationship. Relationships are not about happiness and peace, but are a vehicle for growth…we just don’t… Continue reading NTM 163: When you choose a partner like your parents

TWG 50: Finding and creating great relationships with John Aiken

This week The Wellness Guys interview psychologist and relationships expert John Aiken. In a wide ranging interview the boys cover everything from why housework is important to how to find your ideal partner to how to get more sex! John’s sage advice shows us channel 7’s The Morning Show has chosen him as their relationship expert… Continue reading TWG 50: Finding and creating great relationships with John Aiken