TWIW 158: Low Vitamin D linked to dementia

This Week In Wellness following on from last week’s research showing a link between socialising and dementia now a University of South Australia study has shown a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and dementia.

TWIW 135: Could Vit D halve COVID deaths?

This Week In Wellness acute Vitamin D3 supplementation was shown to almost halve the risk of being hospitalized for more than 8 days in COVID cases with comorbidities compared to cases without comorbidities who did not supplement and decreased the mortality rate by over 2 times. You’ve been listening to This Week In Wellness with… Continue reading TWIW 135: Could Vit D halve COVID deaths?

TWIW 97: Outdoor work lowers risk of breast cancer

This Week In Wellness working outside has been shown to lower the risk of breast cancer for Danish women over the age of 50 by new research in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Whilst previous research has indicated that vitamin D levels in the blood were linked to reduced levels of breast cancers… Continue reading TWIW 97: Outdoor work lowers risk of breast cancer

TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D

This Week In Wellness 2.5 million care home residents in England will be offered a free supply of vitamin D by the Government as researchers investigate whether there is a link between Vitamin D levels and risk or severity of acute respiratory infections, including Covid-19. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for… Continue reading TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D

TWIW 67: Can vitamin D prevent allergies?

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers are investigating whether vitamin D could be the answer to our country’s “allergy epidemic”. With one in 10 infants and one in 20 children in Australia already suffering from food-related allergies, and with the rates seemingly on the rise, researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute are hoping that… Continue reading TWIW 67: Can vitamin D prevent allergies?

SE 22: Get Outside

What do you do to get outside and experience the gifts of nature? Have you ever heard of Biophilia Hypothesis? The hosts explore all the BIG topics with the BIG words!! LOL!! Biophilia is our natural and innate need to connect to nature in order to recharge, so strap yourself in as Bridget, Toby and… Continue reading SE 22: Get Outside

AQJ 133: Play Therapy for Fussy Eaters, with Crystel Poggioli (OT)

In this episode, you get two discussions on health and wellness topics for the price of one! 😀 The main interview is on supporting parents of kids with developmental disorders to eat well, and the importance of play therapy in helping to change your child’s diet for the better. Plus in the intro, we discuss… Continue reading AQJ 133: Play Therapy for Fussy Eaters, with Crystel Poggioli (OT)

AQJ 102: First Steps on the Health Journey

We all know how overwhelming it can be to start something new, especially when it involves letting go of old negative habits and starting new healthy ones. The momentum to change can quickly vanish due to overwhelm, confusion and trying to do too much all at once. In this episode, Jo and Fouad share their… Continue reading AQJ 102: First Steps on the Health Journey

VH28: Vitamin D

In this episode the Vitality Hackers tell you everything you need to know about Vitamin D. What is it? What does it do? Why are we deficient? 0:00 Intro. 8:00 How do we form it? 10:14 How can we supplement it? 12:00 Who’s at risk of deficiency? 15:20 What does it do? 18:30 What helps… Continue reading VH28: Vitamin D