TWIW 223: Overweight may be a bigger burden than obesity

This Week In Wellness a Norwegian University of Science and Technology has suggested that the costs associated with overweight individuals in the Norwegian population are even greater than those associated with obesity. And given that 75 percent of men and 61 percent of women were overweight or obese these costs are not insignificant.

TWIW 180: 75% of toddler foods fail sugar guidelines

This Week In Wellness research by the Obesity Policy Coalition has found that over ¾ of the tested ready made foods for toddlers exceeded the World Health Organisations proposed guidelines for sugar consumption in a result that Health Minister Mark Butler described as “shocking”.

TWIW 179: Is “protein hunger” driving obesity

This Week In Wellness a new study looking at almost 10,000 Australians has suggested that so called “protein hunger” driven by increased consumption of overly processed and refined foods may play a key role in over-eating and obesity.,body’s%20strong%20appetite%20for%20protein.

TWIW 172: Eating late bad for metabolism, hunger and obesity risk

This Week In Wellness a study published in Cell Metabolism has shown that eating late causes decreased energy expenditure, increased hunger, and changes in fat tissue that may increase the risk of obesity. Retrieve%2fapi%2FS1550413122003977%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

TWIW 167: Your brain is checking your skin-folds

This Week In Wellness a study in Nature has shown that your brain actively surveys your fat cells to determine fat levels and down-regulate brown fat production and fat burning when it deems fat levels too be low.

TWIW 161: Less than seven percent of adults have good cardiometabolic health

This Week In Wellness a study of adult Americans has shown that less than seven percent of them have good metabolic health with the researchers describing the results as “a devastating health crisis requiring urgent action”

TWIW 124: Could it be carb intake rather than overeating that causes obesity?

This Week In Wellness Dr. David Ludwig, Endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Professor at Harvard Medical School has published a paper with the bold claim that over consuming processed carbs rather than overeating is the primary cause of the worldwide obesity crisis.

TWIW 75: Low carb diets help the elderly

This Week In Wellness a very low carbohydrate diet has been shown to help older adults with diabetes lose weight, improve body composition and improve insulin sensitivity in just eight weeks when compared to a low-fat diet. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to

TWIW 73: Coke’s “email family” of obesity researchers

This Week In Wellness a paper published online by Cambridge University Press has shown that Coca-Cola paid scientists to downplay the role of sugary beverages in the obesity epidemic. Scientists used information gathered from over 18,000 pages of emails via freedom of information requests made by a US non-profit public health group “Right To Know”.… Continue reading TWIW 73: Coke’s “email family” of obesity researchers

WWR 175: Obesogens

Obesogens or obesogenic compounds are chemicals that make us fat! In this episode of Wellness Women Radio Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea dive into the foods, chemicals and personal care products that should be banned from your household! All of these endocrine disrupting chemicals can completely change our metabolism, alters our fat storage programming, interferes… Continue reading WWR 175: Obesogens