SLP 442: Home Is My Sanctuary with Danny Morrison

‘It reminds you when you are out on the road, as you say incredible India or Bangladesh with sheer numbers and people living on the street or living under bridges, it does give you a great perspective on life really. Where we are, in the first world, where it is cleaner and tidier and massively… Continue reading SLP 442: Home Is My Sanctuary with Danny Morrison

SLP 190: Self Love Quicky – Coming Home

Just a little insight into what it feels like to be home in New Zealand ~ Aotearoa. After three and a half years my husband Danny and I were able to get back to our homeland. Today I share what it feels like to have my heart in two countries and how important it is… Continue reading SLP 190: Self Love Quicky – Coming Home

NTM 240: How your home tells the story of you PART 2

Following on from last week’s episode, we complete Bridget’s Home Office and reflect on all the family patterns, the emotional highs and lows, the family dynamics that come up when physically clearing space…which of course is also metaphysically shedding layers and clearing space! We hope it inspires you to literally ‘create the space’ for the… Continue reading NTM 240: How your home tells the story of you PART 2

100NO 335: Think Global Act Local | Home Is Where The Heart Is

Damian has just moved house, and not only has he moved house, but he has left the rent game and become an owner-occupier. What does it feel like moving from a rental to your own home? And what are the benefits of loving not only your home, but the community you love to be around?… Continue reading 100NO 335: Think Global Act Local | Home Is Where The Heart Is

UC 348: Building Biology with Nicole Bijlsma

Nicole Bijlsma is a woman of passion, and her passion lies in environmental medicine. Nicole was a former naturopath and acupuncturist with 15 years of clinical experience who changed her career pathway to become a building biologist after noticing a strong correlation with many of her patients illnesses and health hazards in their home. Nicole… Continue reading UC 348: Building Biology with Nicole Bijlsma

HBH 39: Calming The Chaos At Homebase

You can go to all the therapy sessions in the world, but at the end of the day if the family home environment isn’t functioning well…..therapy certainly won’t be as helpful! Meet Sharon Collon. She’s an ADHD coach passionate about helping parents create home environments that are functional and joyful and by streamlining the day… Continue reading HBH 39: Calming The Chaos At Homebase

AQJ 132: Calming the Chaos – Supporting Kids with ADD, ADHD & Anxiety

Sharon Collon of The Functional Family is passionate about supporting families with special needs. She loves to share step by step, practical strategies and solutions to improve your daily life and routine, helping to reduce the stress and overwhelm that parents of special needs kids are often dealing with. Over the past ten years she has researched… Continue reading AQJ 132: Calming the Chaos – Supporting Kids with ADD, ADHD & Anxiety

AQJ 120: Low Tox Life with Alexx Stuart

Jo and Fouad have been talking a lot lately about how to make simple yet powerful lifestyle changes that will help to get your health back on track, before you even begin making major diet changes. One of these lifestyle changes is detoxing your home – your body products, cleaning products, home environment, and pantry. So… Continue reading AQJ 120: Low Tox Life with Alexx Stuart

AQJ 99: Electromagnetic Radiation Effects and Solutions

Exposure to EMR is “one of the newest and fastest-changing environmental exposures on the planet,’ says Lyn McLean, Director of EMR Australia PL. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is the invisible signals emitted by all wireless devices – mobile and cordless phones, base stations, computers, tablets, routers, baby monitors, microwave ovens, smart meters, smart TVs and other… Continue reading AQJ 99: Electromagnetic Radiation Effects and Solutions

AQJ 04: The How To’s of Making Home Changes for Health and Healing

Whether you are beginning the GAPS diet, or just working towards a healthier lifestyle, your home is an important place to start. In this episode we share our practical tips for preparing yourself and your home. Learn about detoxing your home and personal care products, finding the right water filter, helpful kitchen tools, getting started with broth making, how… Continue reading AQJ 04: The How To’s of Making Home Changes for Health and Healing