SLP 399: Self Love Quicky – The Effect of Smell on the Amygdala for Emotional Trauma

Recent studies at New York University have uncovered fascinating insights into the role of the amygdala in the brain’s limbic system, particularly in how it processes and releases emotional trauma. These findings challenge conventional wisdom and open new avenues for therapeutic approaches including Aromatherapy. Smell is a powerful and often underappreciated sense. The olfactory system,… Continue reading SLP 399: Self Love Quicky – The Effect of Smell on the Amygdala for Emotional Trauma

SLP 398: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland

‘I think I was expecting an older gentleman that had been an orthopaedic surgeon for many, many years, but he was actually quite cool, and he was around about the same age as me, and he kind of walked through those gates at the airport like he was going on a holiday. And obviously, with… Continue reading SLP 398: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland

SLP 397: Self Love Quicky – Reframe Don’t Blame

Blaming others or circumstances for our difficulties is a common way to respond, but it often keeps us stuck in a cycle of negativity and powerlessness. In this week’s Quicky I want to share a couple of powerful techniques to help us reframe our experiences and find valuable lessons in every situation. This will show… Continue reading SLP 397: Self Love Quicky – Reframe Don’t Blame

SLP 396: Colour Nuances and Beautiful Hair with Maria Faulder

‘So, I am inspired by a sort of childhood version of the client. So, to try and replicate what the sun would have done just by going to the beach or being out and about, you know how naturally there’s all these different nuances, particularly in longer hair. You’ve got golds and you’ve got some… Continue reading SLP 396: Colour Nuances and Beautiful Hair with Maria Faulder

SLP 395: Self Love Quicky – The Importance of a Good Laugh

In the busyness of daily life, finding moments of genuine joy can sometimes feel like a luxury more than a necessity. But, making time to laugh is more than just a wee escape—it’s actually a crucial component of our overall well-being. Laughter, which is often referred to as “the best medicine,” has profound impacts that… Continue reading SLP 395: Self Love Quicky – The Importance of a Good Laugh

SLP 394: Finding Something Within To Give To Others with Karis Ramsay

‘I then devoted myself to wanting to help others, and wanting to help others was one of my biggest drivers. And so I took a job in a refugee camp straight out of Uni. And when I was involved at Uni I was doing lots of social justice and that’s where I really felt I… Continue reading SLP 394: Finding Something Within To Give To Others with Karis Ramsay

SLP 393: Self Love Quicky – Building Rapport and Communicating Effectively

Great communication skills are a cornerstone of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. And, building rapport which is the process of establishing a connection with another person, is essential for trust and mutual understanding. This week we take a look at some of the ways in which we can communicate more effectively and also discuss… Continue reading SLP 393: Self Love Quicky – Building Rapport and Communicating Effectively

SLP 392: Self Love Replay – A Conversation We Need To Have with Dr Sherrill Sellman

This week we have the conversation that needs to be had with the incredible Dr Sherrill Sellman. As much as change is happening on a global level, looking like chaos around us, it’s an impulse that is also allowing us to step into a more profound awareness and in this deep-dive conversation we find out… Continue reading SLP 392: Self Love Replay – A Conversation We Need To Have with Dr Sherrill Sellman

SLP 391: Self Love Quicky – Let’s Not Take Our Freedom for Granted

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of freedom often gets overlooked amidst our daily routines and responsibilities. We hustle through our lives, seldom pausing to appreciate the liberties we enjoy. The story of Julian Assange, a name synonymous with controversy, transparency, and prolonged confinement, serves as a stark reminder of how easily freedom can be… Continue reading SLP 391: Self Love Quicky – Let’s Not Take Our Freedom for Granted

SLP 390: Running From What You Need To Focus On In Life with Leigh Stalker

‘I used to do a lot of endurance sports, the long-distance running and triathlons, Iron Man’s and things like that and what I realised is I got really good at running a long way, running away. So, I was using running and those endurance sports as a way to distract myself from the things I… Continue reading SLP 390: Running From What You Need To Focus On In Life with Leigh Stalker