SLP 442: Home Is My Sanctuary with Danny Morrison

β€˜It reminds you when you are out on the road, as you say incredible India or Bangladesh with sheer numbers and people living on the street or living under bridges, it does give you a great perspective on life really. Where we are, in the first world, where it is cleaner and tidier and massively… Continue reading SLP 442: Home Is My Sanctuary with Danny Morrison

SLP 70: Self Love Quicky – This Too Shall Pass ~ Danny Morrison

How is Danny? A question I am constantly being asked as my dear husband, who is in India for the IPL (Indian Premier League) is commentating on the world’s best cricketers showcasing their talent in an 8-week tournament. Due to extremely high COVID cases, Australia and many other countries around the world have closed their… Continue reading SLP 70: Self Love Quicky – This Too Shall Pass ~ Danny Morrison

SLP 33: It’s Good To Dream Big with Danny Morrison

“However that looks for you, or however that is, male or female, whatever, but someone that you can listen to that’s been on that pathway of discovery and also I think for yourself, finding some self-awareness and working on oneself to realise… man, we’re fallible, we make mistakes. But as long as you can learn… Continue reading SLP 33: It’s Good To Dream Big with Danny Morrison