TWG 319: Food Safari Earth

This week the boys interview Maeve O’Meara from the amazing SBS show Food Safari Earth. Maeve (no relation to our very own Cyndi) shares her passion for food that has inspired her to investigate the wonderful ways that vegetables are cooked and prepared all over the world. With endless enthusiasm and delight for the food… Continue reading TWG 319: Food Safari Earth

MUM 059: “Best of” #3 Mandy Adno – Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

Since this episode was released I’ve had so many mums tell me how helpful the information was. Seeing as Mandy is so passionate and is a wealth of knowledge on the topic of fussy foods, dysphagia and fussy eaters this episode just had to be included in the Best of Series. Mandy also shares her… Continue reading MUM 059: “Best of” #3 Mandy Adno – Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

WAY 17: Maddie Race from The Real Food Revolution

In this episode meet the delightful Maddie Race, Maddie is a Holistic Health Coach, Consultant, an Event Organiser and Promoter.  Maddie is working with The Real Food Revolution and is the host of their event Happy, Healthy You in Melbourne, Sun Nov 27th at St Kilda Town Hall.  Maddie is passionate about food, about getting Children… Continue reading WAY 17: Maddie Race from The Real Food Revolution

TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy?

food marketing and food labelling make it so hard to understand what is truely healthy. people say avoid packaged foods… but lets face it… not all packaged foods are bad for you nor will they all kill you!!! BUT they aren’t all created equal! Energy Balls, Energy Bars, Gluten Free, Nut free etc all make… Continue reading TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy?

MUM 010: Mandy Adno: Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

SHOWNOTES Since this episode was recorded I’ve been so impatient to release it as this episode has something for ALL mums. From .. when and how to introduce first foods, why kids might be fussy with food, what to do about it, clear signs for when to seek help and there are so many fabulous links… Continue reading MUM 010: Mandy Adno: Fussy Eaters, Baby’s First Foods, Gag Reflexes & More

AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

Are you on an elimination diet of some kind, whether GAPS or another one, and finding it frustrating that you seem to be reacting to foods more strongly than you used to? In this episode Jo and Leah discuss why this happens in the early phases of GAPS, and why it’s not a bad thing.  Your body… Continue reading AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough

Welcome to the first episode of A Quirky Journey! Grab a cuppa, sit down, and enjoy getting to know Jo and Leah as they share their personal stories with you. Learn about the health challenges that prompted them to seek healing through food, how their experiences led them to where they are now, why sometimes whole foods is not… Continue reading AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough

TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys share their top 10 tips for healthy weight loss.If you or someone close to you have a desire to shed a few kilos but want to do it in a healthy, sustainable way then this episode is a must. Learn the secrets that The Wellness Guys have shared… Continue reading TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way

TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation?

Do we need to take supplements? If so which ones should we take and how much? In this episode we discuss the need forvitamins and minerals. We talk about the importance of a healthy diet and what has changed in our lifestyles and farmingpractices that alters our requirements for supplementation. Be sure to tune in… Continue reading TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation?