TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet?

This Week In Wellness a study looking at adherence to the PaleoDiet and the relative risk of cardiovascular disease in a mediterranean cohort has shown a 55% relative reduction in risk for those in the highest quintile (or 1/5th) compared to those in the lowest quintile. In other words those most closely in alignment with… Continue reading TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet?

TWIW 105: Mushrooms may reduce cancer by 45%

This Week In Wellness higher mushroom consumption has been associated with a decreased risk of cancer according to a new study published in Advances in Nutrition. The systematic review and meta-analysis carried out by Penn State Cancer Institute examined 17 cancer studies, with the oldest dating right back to 1966 and a combined database of… Continue reading TWIW 105: Mushrooms may reduce cancer by 45%

WWR 138: Primal Living with Helen Marshall

Is it possible to be completed grain free and still thrive? Let us introduce you to the incredible Helen Marshall! She is the founder of the Primal Alternative, health coach, wellness advocate and all-round inspiring entrepreneur! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Helen shares her journey of chronic illness to recovery and how she… Continue reading WWR 138: Primal Living with Helen Marshall

TPS 286: This Is The End

“This is the end, beautiful friend, the end” The Doors After 6 years of recording That Paleo Show once a week it is time for it to come to an end. In this short episode I explain why I have decided to end That Paleo Show, have an chance to thank all of you for… Continue reading TPS 286: This Is The End

TWG 369: Reconditioned Me with Scott Goodings

This week Brett and Damian are joined by Scott Goodings to talk about how to take control of your health and wellbeing. Best known for his diet and cookbook advice (and his role on the hit TV show My Kitchen Rules) Scott talks about his take on the Keto diet (and his thoughts on the… Continue reading TWG 369: Reconditioned Me with Scott Goodings

TPS 283: Paleo Pro

This week Brett and George talk to Bill Fitzsimmons and Douglas Smith from Paleo Pro about healthy sources of protein and the benefits of collagen. Bill and Doug share with us a little about their journey and their passion for helping people perform at their best with a diet of ‘happy plants and happy animals’.… Continue reading TPS 283: Paleo Pro

TPS 281: Going Primal

This week Brett welcomes back Helen Marshall from The Primal Alternative to talk about her journey to ill health following conventional wisdom and back again following a primal lifestyle. Helen shares how she was introduced to the low fat message back in England and how eventually when coupled with her lifestyle, and then the addition… Continue reading TPS 281: Going Primal

TPS 278: FLASHBACK – When we first met George

This weeks episode of That Paleo Show is a blast from the past as we head back to 2014, when we first met George Bryant on That Paleo Show. George shared his inspirational story and background (as well as his love for bacon and hugs) and we all fell in love with the great man.… Continue reading TPS 278: FLASHBACK – When we first met George

TPS 273: Fasting like a human being

This week Brett and George discuss their take on fasting, including some extended fasts. What are the benefits of fasting? What are the drawbacks and things you need to be careful of? How do you do it and how to you make sure you are doing it healthily and for the right reasons? Brett and… Continue reading TPS 273: Fasting like a human being

TPS 272: The Paleo Vet

This week Brett interviews Paleo Veterinarian Kelly Maher about the Paleo lifestyle, how the principles apply to animals and how she has incorporated the Paleo lifestyle into her family of 5. The conversation ranges from how and why she adopted a LCHF, then a Paleo diet to how to help dogs, cats and yes even… Continue reading TPS 272: The Paleo Vet