S1‚ EP 11: Navigating IVF With Specialist Dr. Nicholas Lolatgis

This episode we we’re lucky enough to interview the incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining Dr. Nick Lolatgis. Dr. Nick has been offering Obstetrics and Gynaecology care for the past 39 years and has played a leading role in many pioneering developments in woman’s health care. Specialising in infertility & multiple miscarriages, endometriosis and PCOS. This was… Continue reading S1‚ EP 11: Navigating IVF With Specialist Dr. Nicholas Lolatgis

WWR 208: Is it Adenomyosis or Endometriosis?

Endometriosis affects at least 1 in 9 women in Australia, with up to 80% of these women also experiencing adenomyosis. So how can you tell the difference? Is it Adenomyosis or Endometriosis? In this episode Dr Andrea & Dr Ash unpack all things adenomyosis and endometriosis including the difference in the symptoms and presentation. Tune… Continue reading WWR 208: Is it Adenomyosis or Endometriosis?

STNH 21: Lara Briden – Endometriosis, PCOS and why the standard medical treatments don’t work

Lara Briden is an absolute superstar when it comes to women’s hormones. She’s a naturopathic doctor, educator, author and women’s health activist. She believes it’s every women’s right to have a stress-free, pain-free period without drugs (and yes, this includes the oral contraceptive pill). Tune in as we chat about: Why endometriosis and PCOS (polycystic… Continue reading STNH 21: Lara Briden – Endometriosis, PCOS and why the standard medical treatments don’t work

PAP 39: Amanda Howe – Breaking the taboo around periods, hormones and female health

Menses.  Me monthlies. The curse.  Being ‘on’!  All of those negative connotations will be obliterated in today’s episode – in fact, I thought I was quite down with it and rad when it comes to menstruation but seems I am not – which was a nice aha for me! If you are a women you… Continue reading PAP 39: Amanda Howe – Breaking the taboo around periods, hormones and female health

TNN 51: All About Menstruation

This episode is sponsored by Remedy Kombucha. Menstruation – What is normal, what’s not, what you can take herbs for, what needs more investigation and everything in between! Mel talks about what a normal cycle is, PCOS – symptoms and natural treatment, Endometriosis – symptoms and natural treatment, dysmennorhea and how the herb of the… Continue reading TNN 51: All About Menstruation

WWR 114: Endometriosis and the Immune System

Endometriosis is so common and so debilitating but there are still no solid consensus about its underlying cause. We know this is an oestrogen driven condition but there’s so much more to it than that! New research is demonstrating a strong connection between immune system derangement and the development and exacerbation of endometriosis. Could this… Continue reading WWR 114: Endometriosis and the Immune System


In this episode I am joined by two Adelaide Paleo movers and shakers – Glen Lomman and Stacey Kirsch. You will love the healing journeys that this duo (not couple though!) have experienced, we talk about IVF, obesity, fibromyalgia, pain, dissatisfying careers, boozey lifestyles – something in there that you can all relate too! Learn… Continue reading PAP 32: GLEN LOMMAN & STACEY KIRSCH: ADELAIDE PALEO GROUP, MINDSET & TRANSFORMATION

MUM 003: Jennifer Mercier : (In)fertility, Optimal Pelvic Health and Mercier Therapy.

Its Episode 3 and we have Jennifer Mercier sharing with us some of her wisdom.   Jennifer Mercier Movie – http://www.merciermovie.com Email: MiraclesByMercier@gmail.com http://www.merciertherapy.com Jennifer’s Book – Women’s Optimal Pelvic Health with Mercier Therapy Jennifer’s passion is serving women with fertility issues, pelvic pain, general wellness matters, holistic breast care and newborn/infant cranio-sacral balancing. During… Continue reading MUM 003: Jennifer Mercier : (In)fertility, Optimal Pelvic Health and Mercier Therapy.