HP 88: A Snapshot Of Instant Timeline Therapy

One of my favourite techniques for rapid self-improvement I do with clients (and myself) is timeline therapy. Today we get a snapshot of you tapping into your past self and future self and delving deep to the land of consciousness around us…this is a great process to give ‘self’ course correcting advise.   Got a… Continue reading HP 88: A Snapshot Of Instant Timeline Therapy

HP 84: The Fat Loss Protocol with Cindy O’Meare – Most Popular Episode!

Do you know that your body can signal turning off fat release? Meaning even though you may try to exercise your butt or gut off, your body still isn’t allowing you to release fat. Sooo not fair! You’re frustration starts to climb as you get more despair wondering what is going on. You’re still eating… Continue reading HP 84: The Fat Loss Protocol with Cindy O’Meare – Most Popular Episode!

HP 79: Flora & Fauna: The Largest Vegan, Eco-Friendly Online Store In The World

It took 2 years before Julie made the decision to burn her full-time employment bridges to play full out with Flora & Fauna. Until then, she had been working on her business at night. Only 3 short years after that decision, Flora & Fauna became known as the largest vegan, eco-friendly store in the world.… Continue reading HP 79: Flora & Fauna: The Largest Vegan, Eco-Friendly Online Store In The World

HP 77: Rejuvenators with Kym Power

Now known as the go- to-Holistic Therapist trusted by Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Shania Twain, Anthony Robbins, Bruce Springsteen. Kym Power’s business  journey  started out 27yrs ago from a passion in something so simple…just wanting to serve her massage clients with the highest level of etiquette When Kym started her little 1 woman massage service… Continue reading HP 77: Rejuvenators with Kym Power

HP 69: Lisa Curry – Happy Healthy You!

It’s not a surprise that Lisa Curry continually launches health products and programs after a lengthy career as a famous athlete. The triple Olympian athlete and motivation speaker shares how doing business is very similar to being an elite athlete “A lot of it is about communication; How I’d motivate someone when I train them… Continue reading HP 69: Lisa Curry – Happy Healthy You!

HP 66: How to stop the burn out? with Annette Lackovic

Annette I’ve been listening to your podcast for years and would love to know your advice on how to stop the burnout. I’m a single Mum of 3; I run my own successful business but if I stop the business will stop. I’m exhausted! I want to be a happier mother, I want to be… Continue reading HP 66: How to stop the burn out? with Annette Lackovic

WWR 173: Trusting Your Intuition

A woman’s intuition is her own internal navigation system, and also her superpower! In this episode of Wellness Women Radio the ladies take a deep dive into what it means to trust your intuition, how to recognise this skill and nurture it. Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea also look at the neuroscience of intuition and… Continue reading WWR 173: Trusting Your Intuition

TWIW 59: Chiropractic maintenance reduces pain episodes

This Week In Wellness a study has shown that receiving Chiropractic care at regular planned intervals regardless of symptoms had more pain free weeks and shorter painful episodes of lower back pain compared to people who sought care “when needed”. The study was conducted in Sweden where 98% of all chiropractors who are members of… Continue reading TWIW 59: Chiropractic maintenance reduces pain episodes

TNN 100: Celebrating 100 With Conscious Couples

Happy to be celebrating our 100th episode of this podcast! With special guests Cindra and Luke from Conscious Couples (conscious-couples.com) and Sam, my husband. Reminiscing on our past one hundred episodes, we want to say a big THANKYOU to you all for being on this journey with us. Mel talks about the evolution of this… Continue reading TNN 100: Celebrating 100 With Conscious Couples

TNN 99: Covid-19

First of all, I am thinking of all of you! Hope you are safe and well. We will get through this together. I wanted to jump in and share my thoughts on the current pandemic and offer support and assistance as much as I can. I sent this information out in my newsletter to my… Continue reading TNN 99: Covid-19