SLP 448: Steph Lowe Podcast – Parenting in a Changing World – The Importance of Connection, Self Love and Being

In today’s episode we are joined by Kim Morrison to discuss parenting in a changing world: the importance of connection, self-love and being present. We start with a reflection of the pandemic on our lives and communities, emphasizing the importance of connection and resilience. We then discuss the challenges and rewards of parenting and grand-parenting,… Continue reading SLP 448: Steph Lowe Podcast – Parenting in a Changing World – The Importance of Connection, Self Love and Being

PAP 106: Aware Parenting with Joss Goulden

Welcome back to the Primal Alternative Podcast, and we’ve got a fantastic episode in store for you today. I’m your host, Helen Marshall, and it’s great to have you with us. Now, grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Aware Parenting with our special guest, Joss Goulden. Here are… Continue reading PAP 106: Aware Parenting with Joss Goulden

TWIW 138: If you want your kids to trust you, share your saliva

This Week In Wellness saliva sharing amongst family members helps children discern who they can trust and turn to in times of stress. A 2022 study published in the journal Science showed that exposure to family member spit (or saliva sharing) plays a crucial role in how we define our relationships and it starts from… Continue reading TWIW 138: If you want your kids to trust you, share your saliva

NTM 317: Parenting together through imprints and wounds with Lael Stone

When we become parents, we learn to raise not only our children, but parts of ourselves…which can get tricky! We can end up playing the ‘who’s doing it tougher’ game, projecting anger and resentment towards our partner and generally missing each other on this parenting journey. So what does it look like to open a… Continue reading NTM 317: Parenting together through imprints and wounds with Lael Stone

TWIW 110: 9 in 10 Aussie girls not active enough

This Week In Wellness the cancer Council is reporting that only 16% of Australian secondary school children meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity and the story is even worse for our girls with just 9% reaching that mark. This despite over ¾ of the students acknowledging that both their parents and their school had… Continue reading TWIW 110: 9 in 10 Aussie girls not active enough

NTM 294: Parenting through exhaustion

We feel you. There’s seasons in motherhood and exhaustion is certainly one of them. Whether it’s awake through the night with babies or teething toddlers, extracurriculars or playground dynamics that leave you spent, we cover it all in this podcast, sharing our own current experiences and dynamics of exhaustion and how to be with it… Continue reading NTM 294: Parenting through exhaustion

NTM 282: Bringing Play into your parenting

Playful parenting is an incredible way to shift stuck feelings, massage out new areas of fear and invite cooperation. In this weeks episode we discuss how we each apply using play to move through our days and challenges with our children. Nourishing the Mother Suburban Sandcastles – Bridget The Pleasure Nutritionist – Jules… Continue reading NTM 282: Bringing Play into your parenting

NTM 248: Parenting through Coronavirus

We are all experiencing immense change and uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic grows and many families are thrust together in the home, amplifying opportunity for both connection, and conflict. How we get through this time with our children will leave a lasting impression on them – when life gives you lemons can you make lemonade? In this… Continue reading NTM 248: Parenting through Coronavirus

NTM 242: Parenting kids with additional needs – Part 2

Following on from last week’s episode, we continue exploring the challenges of parenting a child with additional needs through Julie’s story, which unveils the reality of a mother committed to really ‘seeing’ her child and searching for answers, and what we can learn about ourselves when we view our children through our lens of the parent-child… Continue reading NTM 242: Parenting kids with additional needs – Part 2

AQJ 150: Supporting Your Anxious Child

In the last podcast for the year, Jo is on the other side of the microphone! Dr Natalie Challis (neuro-psychotherapist) and Leigh Shinde (neuro-nutritionist) recently interviewed Jo for their program, “Love Your Anxious Child“, on her experiences of supporting and parenting an anxious child. They discuss the importance of building connection with your children, spending… Continue reading AQJ 150: Supporting Your Anxious Child