PAP 120: How to Live an Exceptional Life in 2025 with Marcus Pearce

In this episode of the Primal Alternative Podcast, I chat with longevity expert, speaker, and author Marcus Pearce. Marcus is the author of Your Exceptional Life and has dedicated his life to helping others live with more purpose, health, and happiness. We dive deep into what it means to make the rest of your life… Continue reading PAP 120: How to Live an Exceptional Life in 2025 with Marcus Pearce

PAP 109: Additive-Free Lifestyle with Tracey Fry & Joanne Ling

In this episode of the Primal Alternative Podcast, host H sits down with Tracey and Joanne from Additive-Free Lifestyle to delve into their inspiring journey and mission to promote additive-free living. Tracey and Joanne are passionate advocates for health and happiness, dedicated to educating others about the harmful effects of additives and preservatives in our… Continue reading PAP 109: Additive-Free Lifestyle with Tracey Fry & Joanne Ling

SE 1: Welcome to Speak Up and Engage

In today’s podcast, our hosts introduce themselves, why they are participating in Speak Up and Engage, what they hope to achieve for the listeners and how their life’s journey has brought them to today! A little nervous, a little excited and very inspired to make a difference, Nicola (21), Erica (19) and Toby (15) will… Continue reading SE 1: Welcome to Speak Up and Engage

WAW 2: Sex education and self – esteem in teens

In this episode we chat with Jayde Robinson-Clancy Founder of the Blossom Guide which is a young women’s empowerment program delivered through a series of 5 workshops for women aged 13-24. TBG aims to develop confidence and awareness in young women when making choices around their sexuality by addressing the ‘hyper sexualisation’ of society and the… Continue reading WAW 2: Sex education and self – esteem in teens

MUM 080: Becky Spellman : Diastasis Recti

I know that you have been waiting for me to an episode on Diastasis Recti and for thoset hat ahven’t I know that you will be grateful with this epsidoe too seeing as you will wnat to echck yourselves for it and it also might answer some unanswered questions about your post -partum body. Becky… Continue reading MUM 080: Becky Spellman : Diastasis Recti

THE 28: Anorexia Reframed – Squashing That Stereotype

Anorexia – what a huge topic, but an important one to start talking about. Sadly, it’s a poorly understood illness, even by those experiencing it. It’s confusing, overwhelming and the current treatment protocol; rapid weight gain (with assistance from highly processed items … I can’t bring myself to call them “foods”), counselling sessions revolving around… Continue reading THE 28: Anorexia Reframed – Squashing That Stereotype

WAY 25: Leah Castle from SOUL Sharing Our Unique Lives

Leah Castle is a qualified Youth Mentor trained in positive body image, mental health, drug and alcohol prevention, she is a former hairdresser, a yoga junkie who is passionate about women’s health and wellbeing. I have known leah and her wonderful husband Simon for a few years now, they are warm kind loving and truly… Continue reading WAY 25: Leah Castle from SOUL Sharing Our Unique Lives

TWG 281: Sex, Wellness and Empowerment.

After 281 episodes the boys finally bite the bullet and talk about sex. Not an easy topic for 3 blokey blokes with a predominantly female audience (Laurence can barely get the word out in his intro) so the boys decided to get in a sexpert and the conversation goes well beyond just sex. This week… Continue reading TWG 281: Sex, Wellness and Empowerment.

WAY 11: Why The Wellness Summit 2016?

In this episode I chat about The Wellness Summit and the impact it has had on my life.  I am also joined by my husband Duncan who shares his thoughts on The Summit and what it has meant to him.  I encourage you to listen and I encourage you to attend the Summit if possible.

THE 09: That Immune Episode

It’s well and truly winter and there’s no denying it, so mamma bear and I thought we better do an episode all about the immune system – especially considering the gut series is continuing and 70% of the immune system is located in the gut! We talk illness prevention, the importance of stopping to rest,… Continue reading THE 09: That Immune Episode