SLP 35: Be Your Own Chameleon with Tamara Wrigley

“I think one of my biggest things I’ve learned over the last 1-2 years, in fact, more this year is that (a good friend of ours Genine Howard has taught me is), “I’m not available!” I’m not available for this, I’m not available for that. That has been my biggest I guess mantra this year… Continue reading SLP 35: Be Your Own Chameleon with Tamara Wrigley

SLP 34: Self Love Quicky – Keep Calm It’s Christmas

It’s meant to be a time of joy, but we all know that for many this time of year can also be quite stressful, lonely or disappointing. Given the year we have had we also have many families separated or unable to get to loved ones. There has been a lot of loss this year… Continue reading SLP 34: Self Love Quicky – Keep Calm It’s Christmas

SLP 33: It’s Good To Dream Big with Danny Morrison

“However that looks for you, or however that is, male or female, whatever, but someone that you can listen to that’s been on that pathway of discovery and also I think for yourself, finding some self-awareness and working on oneself to realise… man, we’re fallible, we make mistakes. But as long as you can learn… Continue reading SLP 33: It’s Good To Dream Big with Danny Morrison

SLP 32: Self Love Quicky – 8 Tips For Better Concentrating

In this week’s podcast, we talk all things concentration without the brain fog. Here are 8 top tips for keeping clear and focused and able to achieve more naturally and with ease. 8 Things You Ought To Know About Concentrating Without Brain Fog Do you ever find it hard to concentrate? Feel like you have… Continue reading SLP 32: Self Love Quicky – 8 Tips For Better Concentrating

SLP 31: Primal Reasons For Living Your Purpose with Helen Marshall

“For me, self-love is the same as self-worth, so it’s about valuing yourself enough to take that time to work out what you actually want in your life, in all the different areas of your life. I don’t just mean your career or your family or where you want to end up living. I think… Continue reading SLP 31: Primal Reasons For Living Your Purpose with Helen Marshall

SLP 30: Self Love Quicky – Natural Healthy Hair Tips

Like the skin, the hair reflects inner health and wellbeing. If you are eating well, getting adequate sleep and feel good about yourself, chances are your hair will show this. Medications, ill health, stress and fatigue can all affect lustrous, healthy hair, leaving it dull, hard to manage and you having a ‘bad hair day!’… Continue reading SLP 30: Self Love Quicky – Natural Healthy Hair Tips

SLP 29: Rock Bottom Is A Beautiful New Start with Dr Brett Hill

“I think definitely for me, and I think this is true for most if not all people, the first step is definitely that self-love. Because when I tried to fix the problem without having the self-love then that lead to just beating myself up. That lead to a lot of critical analysis of self, self-loathing,… Continue reading SLP 29: Rock Bottom Is A Beautiful New Start with Dr Brett Hill

SLP 28: The Best Oils For The Festive Season

If you want to make your home smell special this Christmas then a mixture of pure organic essential oils that could fill the room with aromas of wood, spice and citrus would be the perfect way to go. Essential oils like Frankincense, Myrrh, Pine, Nutmeg, Orange, Sandalwood and Clove are Christmas favourites. They all enhance… Continue reading SLP 28: The Best Oils For The Festive Season

SLP 27: Healing From An Eating Disorder with Millie Thomas

“So I wrote about what it was like to actually be in an eating disorder and how it felt. And it resonated with hundreds and hundreds of people in the comments, and then Huffington Post asked to publish it. And then it ended up in a lot of other media as well. It was in… Continue reading SLP 27: Healing From An Eating Disorder with Millie Thomas

SLP 26: Self Love Quicky – In Honour Of Our Beloved Pets

There is something quite magnificent about animals and to those of us who are pet owners I particularly dedicate this podcast to YOU! I lost my mini black panther Meisha on the 12th November. She was 15 years of age. We got Meisha off death row from the RSPCA in Auckland when she was just… Continue reading SLP 26: Self Love Quicky – In Honour Of Our Beloved Pets