TWIW 43: Long naps linked to stroke

This Week In Wellness people who nap longer than 90 minutes, people who sleep longer than 9 hours and people who sleep poorly are all at increased risk of stroke according to a study in Neurology, the online journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Whilst napping for less than an hour seemed fine, those… Continue reading TWIW 43: Long naps linked to stroke

HSW 94: Project Sunrise and Jet Lag with Dr Sun Bin.

Today we’re talking all things jet-lag with Dr Sun Bin from the University of Sydney who is an epidemiologist and public health researcher, who has a particular interest in sleep and circadian rhythms. Dr Sun Bin and her team are currently working on a research project with Australia’s largest airline, Qantas, called “Project Sunrise” to… Continue reading HSW 94: Project Sunrise and Jet Lag with Dr Sun Bin.

WAY 90: Audra Starkey – Too Tired To Cook (The Healthy Shift Worker)

Welcome to Episode 90 of my podcast.  In this Episode, I have the distinct pleasure of interviewing Audra Starkey – The Healthy Shift Worker.  Audra speaks about her new book,  “Too Tired To Cook”, a book written for Shift Workers by a Shift Worker, why she felt compelled to write it and what her aim… Continue reading WAY 90: Audra Starkey – Too Tired To Cook (The Healthy Shift Worker)

GVP 18: The Many Causes Of Poor Sleep & What To Do About Them

Our topic on today’s episode is sleep. It’s a topic that is relevant to EVERY SINGLE human being on the planet … unfortunately most of us aren’t sleeping all that well. I’ll share some confronting stats shortly, but most importantly as we like to do on the Go Vita podcast, some easy to action solutions… Continue reading GVP 18: The Many Causes Of Poor Sleep & What To Do About Them

HSW 88: Sleep and Yoga with Dr Carmel Harrington and Jennie Blevins

When it comes to our health, there are many pillars, but none is more important than sleep – especially if you work 24/7! So in today’s podcast, we’re talking with Dr Carmel Harrington who holds a PhD in Sleep Medicine from Sydney University, along with yoga instructor veteran Jennie Blevins on how a regular practice… Continue reading HSW 88: Sleep and Yoga with Dr Carmel Harrington and Jennie Blevins

HSW 87: Tapping for Food Cravings, Stress and Insomnia with Dr Peta Stapleton

Today we’re chatting with Dr Peta Stapleton who is a registered Clinical & Health Psychologist and an Associate Professor in Psychology at Bond University here in Australia.  She is a world-leading researcher in EFT – which is short for Emotional Freedom Technique (otherwise known as tapping) and led a world-first randomized clinical trial investigating the… Continue reading HSW 87: Tapping for Food Cravings, Stress and Insomnia with Dr Peta Stapleton

HSW 85: Shift Work and Insulin Resistance

In this episode, we’re talking about insulin resistance, a condition that has been shown in the research that shift workers are at risk of developing, due to a multitude of factors. Whilst most of us are aware that the type of food that we eat plays a key role in the regulation of our blood… Continue reading HSW 85: Shift Work and Insulin Resistance

HSW 83: How Better Sleep Leads To Weight Loss

In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about how better sleep leads to weight loss because there’s always so much emphasis and focus around nutrition and exercise when it comes to weight loss, and rightly so – however, sleep is often the missing link. We discuss:  How sleep deprivation and disruption messes with our… Continue reading HSW 83: How Better Sleep Leads To Weight Loss

FLO 18: Quick Tip- Are you getting enough sleep?

Humans are the only mammals that delay sleep. Three quarters of those who suffer from depression also suffer from a lack of sleep. Getting less than 7 hours sleep each night can make you angry, sad and stressed. Are you getting enough sleep?  

HSW 82: Shift Work Disorder with Dr Jade Murray

In today’s episode, we’re talking about Shift Work Disorder, a condition that can affect those working 24/7 with sleep and circadian rhythm researcher Dr Jade Murray from Monash University in Melbourne. I absolutely loved this chat with Dr Murray where we discuss: What exactly is shift work disorder? Why do people need to be concerned… Continue reading HSW 82: Shift Work Disorder with Dr Jade Murray