TWIW 167: Your brain is checking your skin-folds

This Week In Wellness a study in Nature has shown that your brain actively surveys your fat cells to determine fat levels and down-regulate brown fat production and fat burning when it deems fat levels too be low.

WWR 171: Brain Hacks and Productivity

How are you going kicking your brain into gear in isolation? Is anyone else feeling a bit sluggish, unproductive and slow? We hear you! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we want to talk you through some brain hacks! Some ways to hack your environment to make working from home a breeze and help… Continue reading WWR 171: Brain Hacks and Productivity

TNN 85: The Fan-C Approach With Dr Eckel

Dr Greg Eckel is our special guest today! Dr Eckel graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine with a doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine. He has recently released a book on Parkinson’s Disease called Shake it off: A FAN-C Approach to Parkinson’s Disease, which we chat a… Continue reading TNN 85: The Fan-C Approach With Dr Eckel

WWR 140: Your Brain on Exercise

Dr Andrea is on the hunt for a new gym and movement regime for many more reasons than just aesthetics and cardiovascular health! Did you know that exercise makes you smarter, improves your memory, is protective against depression and even post-natal depression…just to name a few! Tune in to get motivated to move your butt… Continue reading WWR 140: Your Brain on Exercise

BQS 18: Who’s Responsibility is it???

In today’s episode Dr M to discusses judgement and responsibility…. wow…. nothing like starting our day STRONG!!! this topic might sound super serious, and in some ways it is… Dr M highlights why it’s important because we often create extra stress that we don’t need in our lives through shifting responsibility into someones elses hands… Continue reading BQS 18: Who’s Responsibility is it???

BC 01: Dr Paul Noone (Chiro) Understanding Neurology

During our first podcast, we interviewed one of Australia’s leading authorities in Functional Neurology – Dr Paul Noone.Here Paul discusses one of the five pillars of health – YOUR NEUROLOGY – and how to be your best.The 1990’s was designated the “Decade of the Brain” to enhance public awareness of the benefits to be derived… Continue reading BC 01: Dr Paul Noone (Chiro) Understanding Neurology