100NO 516: Avoiding Chronic Disease Pt 1 including Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes & Dementia

On this special two-part episode of 100 Not Out we explore the impact of chronic disease on longevity. The statistical truth is that chronic disease in the modern advanced world is not enough to stop someone living a long-time. But even with all the medication and treatment in the world, chronic disease creates a tidal… Continue reading 100NO 516: Avoiding Chronic Disease Pt 1 including Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes & Dementia

TWIW 53: Preventing Coronavirus

This Week In Wellness the World Health Organisation WHO has officially declared the Coronavirus COVID-19 a pandemic as action is taken all over the world to halt it’s spread including America shutting its borders to the EU, the NBA cancelling the rest of its basketball season and the Australian Government advising against “non-essential” gatherings of… Continue reading TWIW 53: Preventing Coronavirus

TWIW 51: Fasting linked to longer life, less disease and better performance

This Week In Wellness a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine has linked intermittent fasting to improved health, slowing or reversing ageing and a reduction in chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers and neuro degenerative brain disorders. Whilst the authors acknowledge that the results can be variable and influenced by… Continue reading TWIW 51: Fasting linked to longer life, less disease and better performance

TWIW 29: CSIRO recommends low carb approach

This Week In Wellness, CSIRO (an independent Australian federal government agency responsible for scientific research) is recommending a low carbohydrate approach to help curb the obesity epidemic and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease in a dramatic shift from the high carbohydrate, low-fat approach recommended previously. With two in three Australians either overweight… Continue reading TWIW 29: CSIRO recommends low carb approach

TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death

This Week In Wellness eggs have been once again associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. A study released this week by the Journal of The American Medical Association combining the findings from 6 prospective cohort studies and almost 30,000 people from diverse backgrounds stated that each additional half egg consumed per day… Continue reading TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death