UC 386: Diet is the Key to Success with Dr Peter Bruckner

Description – The accolades of Dr Peter Bruckner when it comes to sports medicine is impressive, world cups and games, Olympics, Australian Teams in many disciplines, Liverpool Football club and so much more.  His success as a sports medicine doctor was clear but when it came to his own health he avoided what all the… Continue reading UC 386: Diet is the Key to Success with Dr Peter Bruckner

NC 7: Cultivating Deeper, more Intimate Connection

It was so gorgeous to connect in with Leo after many years. My first introduction to Leo was her “whipping” me into shape on the Gym floor. There was no hiding as she instructed the next exercise with clear expectations of effort, intensity and focus. Leo has leaned more and more into exploring and expressing… Continue reading NC 7: Cultivating Deeper, more Intimate Connection

NC 6: Evolution of Purpose – Nathan Maingard

“Purpose is not about what you are doing, it’s about who you are.” Nathan Maingard. Nathan Maingard -Transformational Guide, Empowering Wordsmith, & Podcast Host We Are Already Free – is the insight and affirmation that Nathan lives his life from. I first heard about Nathan, not through his amazing music career, but his wise long… Continue reading NC 6: Evolution of Purpose – Nathan Maingard

NC 5: The Alternate Way To Health – Dr Sarah Farrant

“We’ll teach them the illusion until they are ready for the truth.” Buddha “Health is not about how you feel, it’s about how you function”. Dr Sarah Farrant. There are pivotal moments in life where you can recall an experience or insight that creates a significant shift and even profound expansion in who you are. This… Continue reading NC 5: The Alternate Way To Health – Dr Sarah Farrant

UC 385: WIN- Whats Important Now with Jamie Milne

Jamie Milne is a Guinness world record holder, success coach, endurance athlete, author philanthropist and director of A Successful Strength and Fitness.  He is also an ex-military man, personal trainer and now uses, hypnotherapy, NLP, timeline therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in his arsenal to help people reach their best. Kim and Cyndi don’t muck… Continue reading UC 385: WIN- Whats Important Now with Jamie Milne

NC 4: The Inner Gardener – Melissa Wright

“But I’m nobody” was the first response I had from Melissa after I reached out to record a Nutritious Conversation with her. For me, the thought of sitting down for a chat with this incredible Sol was not about what commercial or ordained offering she had, but the absolute joy I felt at the thought… Continue reading NC 4: The Inner Gardener – Melissa Wright

NC 3: Vitality and the Fast Track 2 Health – Karen Creighton

Natural Health Practitioner and Medical Intuitive – Karen Creighton. “I need chicken” was what Karen said to her husband when her “holistic” health focus didn’t align with her innate wisdom and physiological needs. Over twenty years of training, conditioning, practicing and teaching sat behind this challenging decision to move away from her plant based choices.… Continue reading NC 3: Vitality and the Fast Track 2 Health – Karen Creighton

UC 384: Choice, Freedom, Success with Toby Morrison

BIO – Toby Morrison Founder & Head Coach CFS Health was founded by Toby Morrison in 2009 after personally experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a teenager and enduring a long and frustrating journey to recovery. At the age of 16 Toby had a vision that when he eventually did get better, he would make sure… Continue reading UC 384: Choice, Freedom, Success with Toby Morrison

UC 383: Foraging for The Truth with Sheridan Austin

An enlightening story of a successful young nutritionist who is blessed by life and love.  She is an inspiration to all young people wanting to be of service in life. Motherhood is Sheridan Austin’s service and her gift to help others through a healthy pregnancy and a healthy outcome.   But adversity has also been part… Continue reading UC 383: Foraging for The Truth with Sheridan Austin

UC 382: Tap it Out with Dr Peta Stapleton

Cyndi and Kim had a fabulous time chatting with Dr Peta Stapleton clinical phycologist and queen of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) research.  Both learnt new and wonderful things about what EFT can do in your life and had a many questions for her.  Even when the recording stopped the conversation didn’t stop. Peta is a… Continue reading UC 382: Tap it Out with Dr Peta Stapleton