WWR 230: Preconception Essentials

Most women tend to take really good care of themselves and their nutrition during pregnancy and in the lead up to birth but what about before conception? Having a preconception plan is crucial for your hormonal health, fertility potential and has a huge impact on the health of the baby you’re planning. On this episode… Continue reading WWR 230: Preconception Essentials

TWIW 113: Fruit and veg in pregnancy reduces developmental delays

This Week In Wellness a three-generation cohort study has shown that high fruit and vegetable consumption during pregnancy is associated with a lower risk of developmental delays in the resultant children at age 2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/fruit-and-vegetable-consumption-before-and-during-pregnancy-and-developmental-delays-in-offspring-aged-2-years-in-japan/46077C7D37518C26273C1C1C8F761CF9

AQJ 56: Preparing for the Birth of a Healthy Baby – Mary Kelly

This is a beautiful, encouraging and informative podcast that will be a big help to women who are looking for ways to optimise their own health, and the health of their baby – whether baby is just a distant hope not yet realised, or already part of the family. Mary talks to us about her… Continue reading AQJ 56: Preparing for the Birth of a Healthy Baby – Mary Kelly

TWG 48: Infertility and Pre-Conception with Dr. Jennifer Barham Floreani

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of some of their absolute favourite books Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani. Chiropractor, author, TV star and super mum Jennifer is an absolute expert in all things conception, pregnancy and kids and in this fantastic episode she shares her tips for healthy conception and also some wonderful advice for any… Continue reading TWG 48: Infertility and Pre-Conception with Dr. Jennifer Barham Floreani