TWIW 222: The vegan twin may have less heart disease risk

This Week In Wellness a study of 22 pairs of identical twins by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that a vegan diet may improve cardiovascular health in as little as eight weeks.

TWIW 214: 3000 steps a day as good as blood pressure meds

This Week In Wellness just 3000 steps a day may be enough to reduce blood pressure according to a new study in the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease.

TWIW 186: Gratitude reduces stress, improves heart health

This Week In Wellness researchers from Irish universities have shown that practising gratitude can help to “buffer” stress, both reducing the heart’s reaction to stress and also improving its recovery. https://www.researchgate.ne

TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk

This Week In Wellness Michigan Medical researchers have determined that it is the lifestyle factors that increase heart disease risk, not the presence of heart disease itself, that raises the risk of Covid-19 death. The study looked at over 5000 people admitted to Intensive Care Units with severe Covid in in the United States and… Continue reading TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk

TWIW 170: Frequency over intensity when it comes to strength training

This Week In Wellness new research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine has shown that working out more frequently and less intensely maybe be the key to increasing muscle size and strength.

TWIW 167: Your brain is checking your skin-folds

This Week In Wellness a study in Nature has shown that your brain actively surveys your fat cells to determine fat levels and down-regulate brown fat production and fat burning when it deems fat levels too be low.

TWIW 166: Australians live longer but sicker

This Week In Wellness a report by the Australian Institute Of Health and Welfare (AIHW) titled Australia’s Health 2022 has shown that while life expectancy has risen, so have the levels of chronic disease. Over half of all Australians now have one or more chronic health conditions and over a third of these due to… Continue reading TWIW 166: Australians live longer but sicker

TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk

This Week In Wellness a systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 randomised control trials controlled trials of omega-3 fatty acids has shown that the fatty acid improves cardiovascular outcomes. The study, published in eClinical Medicine showed a greater reduction in cardiovascular risk when supplementing with EPA alone rather than combined EPA and DHA supplements.… Continue reading TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk

TWIW 134: Not so secret; herbs and spices lower blood pressure

This Week In Wellness a randomised control trial conducted by researchers from Pennsylvania State University has shown that diets high in herbs and spices may reduce blood pressure in people at risk of cardiovascular disease. Join me on the 16th of December for my LIVE streamed webinar on “How to strengthen your body… Continue reading TWIW 134: Not so secret; herbs and spices lower blood pressure

TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet?

This Week In Wellness a study looking at adherence to the PaleoDiet and the relative risk of cardiovascular disease in a mediterranean cohort has shown a 55% relative reduction in risk for those in the highest quintile (or 1/5th) compared to those in the lowest quintile. In other words those most closely in alignment with… Continue reading TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet?