NTM 329: We can lead with our hurt or we can lead with our heart

When in relationship, if you stay lost in ‘the me’, you can’t connect to ‘the we’ and relationship is bound to spiral from there. If you focus on what you’re not getting or what they’re not providing, you’re in your head and protecting your heart instead of surrendering to deeper love and a new reality.… Continue reading NTM 329: We can lead with our hurt or we can lead with our heart

TWIW 125: Your heart may need more than just walking

This Week In Wellness a small study published in the journal Circulation of the American Heart Association has shown that regular intense exercise for people with early signs of heart failure may be able to increase the elasticity of their heart muscles. https://min.news/en/news/63b7bf508ecb8f13705d1cd3fe7a32ca.html https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054117

TWIW 122: Reducing sugar could save $160 billion

This Week In Wellness a team of American researchers have shown that reducing sugar by just 20% in packaged foods and 40% in drinks could prevent half a million deaths and save over 2 billion dollars in the US alone within the first 10 years. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210827082431.htm

TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal

This Week In Wellness a review in the Journal of The American College of Cardiology has stated that not only were there no beneficial effects of reducing saturated fat intake on cardiovascular disease or total mortality, there were in fact protective effects against stroke if the saturated fat intake was retained. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735109720356874 Would you like… Continue reading TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal

TWIW 50: Healthy lifestyle adds 10 disease free years

This Week In Wellness a healthy lifestyle leads to a life that is free of chronic illness including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer for longer. Using data from the Nurses Health Study and the Health Professionals follow up study this paper in the British Journal of Medicine was able to confirm that never smoking, maintaining… Continue reading TWIW 50: Healthy lifestyle adds 10 disease free years

TWIW 49: Cooking oils lead to increased obesity in hunter gatherers

This Week In Wellness a Bolivian hunter gatherer tribe famous for its impeccable heart health has seen an increase in their levels in recent years as their levels of cooking oil intake have gone up. The Tsimane’ isolated population have traditionally eaten a whole food omnivorous diet including lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables and… Continue reading TWIW 49: Cooking oils lead to increased obesity in hunter gatherers

TWIW 48: Purpose adds years to your life

And This Week In Wellness a study of 7000 US adults over the age of 50 has shown that those with the lowest sense of life purpose were twice as likely to die in the following 5 years, even when adjusting for socio-economic status, health characteristics and psychological well-being. In a confirmation of findings from… Continue reading TWIW 48: Purpose adds years to your life

TWIW 23: Heart health linked to dementia

This Week In Wellness a study in the British Medical Journal has found that good cardiovascular health at age 50 is associated with a lower risk of dementia later in life. The American Heart Association’s “Life Simple 7” cardiovascular health score, initially designed for cardiovascular disease, has been put forward as a potential tool for… Continue reading TWIW 23: Heart health linked to dementia

TWG 378: The Power Of The Heart

This week Damian and Brett interview producer of ‘The Secret’ Drew Heriot about the topic of his most recent documentary ‘The Power Of The Heart’. Drew shares with us why he believes connecting to your heart is so important and what it can do for your health and your life. He explains why he feels… Continue reading TWG 378: The Power Of The Heart

UC 300: 6 Years later, 300 shows, The Up For A Chat girls are still chatting

It’s been 6 years and over 300 hours of chatting that has been recorded by these three extraordinary women.  The Up For A Chatters took a chance and wondered if anyone wanted to listen in on their conversations as well as the conversations  they have with other  people. In this episode, they talk about what… Continue reading UC 300: 6 Years later, 300 shows, The Up For A Chat girls are still chatting