FLO 21: Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Candida, Parasites and Metals with Becky Plotner

In this episode, Elyse chats with one of her favourite people- Becky Plotner! Becky is an absolute wealth of information, and in this episode we are privileged to hear some of her own story. Becky Plotner, ND, traditional naturopath, CGP, D.PSc. works as a Certified GAPS Practitioner who sees clients in her office, Skype and… Continue reading FLO 21: Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Candida, Parasites and Metals with Becky Plotner

FLO 19: Overcoming Chronic Fatigue with Gemma

Gemma’s story is quite an incredible one. Gemma has gone from virtually house bound suffering for years with chronic fatigue, to now thriving in her personal life and building her own business. Chronic fatigue is such a widespread issue, and can be so crippling for those who suffer from it. By getting to the root… Continue reading FLO 19: Overcoming Chronic Fatigue with Gemma

FLO 17: Eczema and Allergies with Abbey

When your child is unwell and you aren’t finding the answers that you need, things can get very scary and overwhelming. Follow Abbey’s journey with her son Noah and daughter Eve, as she finally finds the answer to deal with her son’s eczema and allergies. If you want to work with Elyse, you can book… Continue reading FLO 17: Eczema and Allergies with Abbey

FLO 15: Allergies and Immunity with Libby

There is nothing like a shared story to give inspiration and hope on your healing journey. In this weeks episode, Elyse chats with Libby about her amazing journey with GAPS. Libby manages to resolve a long-standing issue, and is amazed at the incredible changes for her kids in the process!

FLO 9: Resolving behavioural issues with Mel

Dealing with behavioural issues in children can be SO difficult for parents…especially when you just know that there is more to it then difficult behaviour. For some parents like Mel, this can lead to pressure from the school for a diagnosis, and decisions being made and labels being selected for your child that you don’t… Continue reading FLO 9: Resolving behavioural issues with Mel

FLO 7: From Hospitalisation to THRIVING with Bri

You may have read or heard many incredible healing stories from people who have taken charge of their own health, and this is absolutely one of them. There is nothing scarier then when your child is losing weight, seems to be intolerant to everything, and you are in and out of hospital. Bri shares with… Continue reading FLO 7: From Hospitalisation to THRIVING with Bri

AQJ 134: Travel Tips – Travel Food, Eating Out and Being Prepared!

Jo and her two eldest kids (19 and 21) have just come back from travelling overseas, and in this episode Jo shares her travel tips, especially for those who are on special diets and find the idea of overseas travel a bit daunting! She talks about: What foods you can and can’t take on flights… Continue reading AQJ 134: Travel Tips – Travel Food, Eating Out and Being Prepared!

AQJ 133: Play Therapy for Fussy Eaters, with Crystel Poggioli (OT)

In this episode, you get two discussions on health and wellness topics for the price of one! 😀 The main interview is on supporting parents of kids with developmental disorders to eat well, and the importance of play therapy in helping to change your child’s diet for the better. Plus in the intro, we discuss… Continue reading AQJ 133: Play Therapy for Fussy Eaters, with Crystel Poggioli (OT)

FLO 3: Candida, Hormones and Behaviour with GAPS

This week we hear the story of Angela and her family from quitting sugar, to getting on to the GAPS protocol. Healing is a journey of taking one step at a time, which at times can be overwhelming! Angela is a perfect example of using this gradual approach, and how much can change just taking… Continue reading FLO 3: Candida, Hormones and Behaviour with GAPS

FLO 2: Quick Tips- Taking A Balanced Approach

When it comes to healing we can get very caught up and focussed on the details, and forget how important it is to find balance in our approach. In this weeks ‘Quick Tip’, Elyse shares ways to find this balance, and how to focus on what is important on your health journey. Quick tips are… Continue reading FLO 2: Quick Tips- Taking A Balanced Approach