TNN 40: What Is Chronic Fatigue?

This episode features Milly from The Healthy Cocktail! Find more about The Healthy Cocktail here. Milly shares her journey with chronic fatigue, and how she managed to get her health back from not even be able to get off the lounge to now running a successful juice business. She speaks about how she started to… Continue reading TNN 40: What Is Chronic Fatigue?

HSW 43: Happy People Pilot Program with Sharon Richens.

Happy People Program?  How good does that sound?!  Considering a happy workforce is always going to be way more productive when morale is high, and staff are feeling well, my first impression when I heard about this program is that it sounds too good to be true!  Just to put things into context, when I… Continue reading HSW 43: Happy People Pilot Program with Sharon Richens.

TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy?

food marketing and food labelling make it so hard to understand what is truely healthy. people say avoid packaged foods… but lets face it… not all packaged foods are bad for you nor will they all kill you!!! BUT they aren’t all created equal! Energy Balls, Energy Bars, Gluten Free, Nut free etc all make… Continue reading TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy?

MUM 004: Julie Sharon : Keeping your Relationship Strong After Baby Arrives

In this Episode 4 of Mum’s The Word we have Julie Sharon from Balance You sharing with us some of her wisdom about a very important topic that affects almost everyone and is also so very rarely spoken of. How does the relationship change between a couple once their baby arrives?   Listen in and you’ll… Continue reading MUM 004: Julie Sharon : Keeping your Relationship Strong After Baby Arrives