TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D

This Week In Wellness 2.5 million care home residents in England will be offered a free supply of vitamin D by the Government as researchers investigate whether there is a link between Vitamin D levels and risk or severity of acute respiratory infections, including Covid-19. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for… Continue reading TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D

TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned

This Week In Wellness after a brief halt to the plan caused by the Coronavirus my home state South Australia will push ahead with its plan to ban some single use plastics (including straws, cutlery and drink stirrers) by March 1 and indicated that more items are likely to be added in the future.… Continue reading TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned

TWIW 91: Women were hunters too

This Week In Wellness the bones of a 9000 year old female found in the Andes have shed new light into the role of females in hunter gatherer societies. The skeleton was found with 20 projectile points and blades stacked neatly by her side, indicating that she was likely a high-status hunter. Get Dr… Continue reading TWIW 91: Women were hunters too

TWIW 90: A Keto Diet may help Alzheimer’s

This Week In Wellness a new systematic review shows the potential benefits of a ketogenic diet for treating Alzheimer’s disease. With between 400 thousand and 500 thousand Australians suffering from dementia in 2020, and Alzheimer’s accounting for 70% of those, it really is an important finding. Especially as the billions spent searching for a pharmaceutical… Continue reading TWIW 90: A Keto Diet may help Alzheimer’s

TWIW 89: The 10 most commonly taken drugs in Australia

This Week In Wellness Australian Prescriber published its annual list of the 10 most commonly taken and the 10 most costly prescription drugs for the Australian Government based on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data collected between July 2019 and June 2020.’s%20health,than%202%25%20spent%20on%20prevention

TWIW 88: Bottle fed babies swallow millions of microplastics a day

This Week In Wellness a study published in nature food has shown that sterilising plastic baby bottles at the high temperatures recommended causes them to shed millions of microplastics and trillions of nano plastics every single day. Get Dr Brett’s latest book Rock Bottom; How to not only survive but thrive through personal… Continue reading TWIW 88: Bottle fed babies swallow millions of microplastics a day

TWIW 87: Children’s own immune system protects them from Covid-19

This Week In Wellness Doctors and scientists at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s hospital have studied three children who tested negative and did not get seriously ill with Covid-19 despite spending a week and a half with their Covid-19 positive parents and concluded that they had in fact contracted the virus and that it was their own… Continue reading TWIW 87: Children’s own immune system protects them from Covid-19

TWIW 86: Household chemicals alter microbiome

This Week In Wellness common household chemicals may alter the gut microbiome. This study measured the levels of semi-organic compounds found in detergents, plastics, soaps, shampoos, hair sprays and stain and water repellent fabrics in the blood and urine of 69 toddlers and preschoolers and then examined their gut microbiome using fecal samples.

TWIW 85: Positivity prevents memory loss

This Week In Wellness new research published in the journal Psychological Science showed that people who feel “enthusiastic and cheerful” are less likely to experience memory decline as they age adding to a growing body of research on the benefits of positivity in ageing. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30… Continue reading TWIW 85: Positivity prevents memory loss

TWIW 84: The Great Barrington Declaration

This Week In Wellness infectious disease epidemiologists, public health scientists and concerned citizens have come together online to state their grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach called “Focused Protection” in a document titled The Great Barrington Declaration. Over 550,000 concerned citizens, over… Continue reading TWIW 84: The Great Barrington Declaration