WWR 126: Why Dieting Doesn’t Work

Diets don’t work. Yo-yo dieting is terrible for our metabolism, headspace, moods, hormones and  our gut health! Let’s once and for all dispel the myths around fad diets and why they lead to inevitable weight regain! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea also introduce to the concept of intuitive… Continue reading WWR 126: Why Dieting Doesn’t Work

WWR 124: Can PCOS be reversed?

PCOS is a complicated condition that is still very poorly understood and may affect up to 25% of women! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh are going to walk you through the latest research on PCOS, what should be the standards for identification and diagnosis, the subtypes of this… Continue reading WWR 124: Can PCOS be reversed?

WWR 123: Designer Vagina – what the?

Vaginal rejuvenation and genital cosmetic surgery is a becoming increasingly popular! Is this something we should be worried about? Did you know that in Australia is it ILLEGAL to show a vagina that isn’t photoshopped to look neat, tidy and ‘porn star’ like? Shocking huh? Yep, we were shocked too which is why we had… Continue reading WWR 123: Designer Vagina – what the?

WWR 101: The 3 Key Women’s Hormone Imbalances and What to do About Them

Alright ladies, are you ready for this? We’re introducing you to our 28 Day Hormone Reset Program. Our very first protocol for you to join us in rebooting, restoring and resetting your hormones. On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re walking you through the most common hormone imbalances that we see and the best… Continue reading WWR 101: The 3 Key Women’s Hormone Imbalances and What to do About Them

WWR 99: Wellness on a Budget

Are you a student or on a tight budget? This episode is for you! Taking great care of yourself and following a wellness lifestyle can be really expensive but it doesn’t have to be! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea are diving into their best tips and hacks for… Continue reading WWR 99: Wellness on a Budget