SE 20: Pro’s and Con’s of Social Media

If you have to track your time on Social Media, what would be your stats? This week our hosts explore everything related to Instagram, Facebook and other platforms that are currently occupying the space and time of our youth. Is Social Media a good thing? Is it a time waster? Or is it a way… Continue reading SE 20: Pro’s and Con’s of Social Media

WWR 143: The Science Behind Confidence with Dr Katherine Iscoe

Ladies, let us introduce you to Dr Kat, the super clever powerhouse behind the School of Body Confidence and MyFiziq, author, speaker and kickass woman! She joins us on Wellness Women Radio to discuss the science behind real body confidence and the ways to make consistent, long-term change. Our favourite part of the episode is… Continue reading WWR 143: The Science Behind Confidence with Dr Katherine Iscoe

HBH 24: Creating An “I Can” Network With Chris Varney

Does your child often feel isolated and have low self esteem? Chris Varney is 31 years old and has Asperger’s Syndrome. He grew up with a group of mentors who pushed him to think ‘I CAN’ and is driving a rethink of autism, from ‘I Can’t’ to ‘I CAN’!! In today’s episode Chris empowers you… Continue reading HBH 24: Creating An “I Can” Network With Chris Varney

MUM 020: Rhea Dempsey : Reframing Pain

What a thrill to have Rhea Dempsey on the show for our 20th episode! A blessing to the birth world and a woman of such wisdom. I am so happy to share this important message from Rhea and I love her chosen quote.. “you don’t have to like it to do it brilliantly”  from a… Continue reading MUM 020: Rhea Dempsey : Reframing Pain