SLP 443: Self Love Quicky – Aromatherapy at Christmas

The festive season is a time of joy, reflection, and connection. It’s also a time when our senses come alive with the smells, sights, and sounds of Christmas. Aromatherapy, the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic purposes, can be a powerful tool to enhance wellness and create a soothing atmosphere during this busy time… Continue reading SLP 443: Self Love Quicky – Aromatherapy at Christmas

SLP 411: Self Love Quicky – Aromatherapy for Muscle & Joint Pain

Chronic muscle and joint pain affects millions of people worldwide, often as a result of conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or old injuries. While traditional treatments, such as medication and physical therapy, remain important, aromatherapy is gaining more and more credibility as a complementary, natural method for managing pain and improving well-being. My passion for this… Continue reading SLP 411: Self Love Quicky – Aromatherapy for Muscle & Joint Pain

SLP 291: Unlock the Power of Aromatherapy – Enhance Your Skin, Hair, and Beauty

Aromatherapy, an ancient practice rooted in natural healing, has gained significant popularity in recent years for its ability to promote overall well-being. Beyond its soothing and relaxing effects, aromatherapy also offers a multitude of benefits for our skin, hair, and beauty. By harnessing the power of essential oils derived from plants, this holistic approach can… Continue reading SLP 291: Unlock the Power of Aromatherapy – Enhance Your Skin, Hair, and Beauty

SLP 104: Self Love Quicky – Celebrate the little Wins over Winter

It’s so important to take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how little or small they might seem. The big monumental ones are not the only ones worth recognising. Life is a constant journey and all about what happens in between the big wins and although you have probably heard it all before, we… Continue reading SLP 104: Self Love Quicky – Celebrate the little Wins over Winter

SLP 64: Aromatherapy for the Skin

In this week’s Self Love Quicky I answer the question of how essential oils can help your skin, which ones are best and why they are your super power? We talk about how aromatherapy works and which are the top 10 in skincare to support you to age with grace. Aromatherapy as a healing modality… Continue reading SLP 64: Aromatherapy for the Skin

SLP 2: Self Love Quicky on Aromatherapy

What is aromatherapy? How does it work? Which are the best oils for what condition? Is it safe? In this Self Love Quicky I will give you a short and simple overview of this incredible modality. The use of essential oils has been documented for over 4,000 years. It is not a new therapy in… Continue reading SLP 2: Self Love Quicky on Aromatherapy

WWR 147: Self-Love & Essential Oils with Kim Morrison

Self-love is your divine responsibility! On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re so thrilled to introduce you to the INCREDIBLE KIM MORRISON! Kim Morrison is a 5 times best-selling author, creative director of Twenty8 Essentials, aromatherapist, health and lifestyle educator and a multi-tasking mum and wife. Kim is someone who shares her passion for… Continue reading WWR 147: Self-Love & Essential Oils with Kim Morrison