HSW 98: Minimising Headaches After Night Shift

Headaches and night shift are quite synonymous with one another, as is often the case, after a string of early shifts. In this episode, Audra shares some of the causes of headaches (besides the obvious of sleep deprivation), along with some suggestions on how to reduce your chances of getting them in the first place.… Continue reading HSW 98: Minimising Headaches After Night Shift

WWR 165: Hormonal Headaches

Okay ladies, have you ever suffered from headaches or migraines? Do you know if they’re cyclical in nature or have you noticed that they seem to be worse around your period? Your headaches may be from hormonal changes! These headaches/migraines are different to regular ones because they’re usually much more intense, last longer and are… Continue reading WWR 165: Hormonal Headaches

PAP 38: Robyn Puglia – Functional Medicine, Coeliac Disease & Unexplained Illness

I am really excited to welcome Primalista Rosie’s sister Robyn Puglia onto the show today! Robyn is a Clinical Nutritionist and IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Robyn is very involved with the field of Coeliac Disease, Gluten-Reactive Disorders and Autoimmune Disease. Her passion for biochemistry and deep conviction regarding the healing power of food and… Continue reading PAP 38: Robyn Puglia – Functional Medicine, Coeliac Disease & Unexplained Illness