100NO 421: Knowing when to go medical vs natural health

Damian had a practice member walk in recently who had been advised by a medical practitioner not to see a chiropractor. For obvious reasons this frustrated Damo and also confused the practice member. On this episode, we discuss the philosophy of knowing when to see a medical professional and when to see a natural health… Continue reading 100NO 421: Knowing when to go medical vs natural health

TWIW 60: Shortfalls causing women to birth outside the system

This Week In Wellness a research article published in Biomed Central (BMC) has shown that women choosing to birth outside of hospitals, be that a home birth or a free birth, did so in search of the “best and safest” birth experience. In Australia 97% of births occur in a hospital setting however this paper… Continue reading TWIW 60: Shortfalls causing women to birth outside the system

TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis

This week in wellness an integrative approach may help to decrease the pain and usage in prescription opioid users. With the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) stating that the number of deaths in Australia involving opioids has nearly doubled in the decade to 2016, from 591 to 1119 and AIHW spokesperson Dr Lynelle… Continue reading TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis

TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine

The Medical Board of Australia is consulting on options to regulate medical practitioners who provide complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments. They claim the draft guidelines aim to prevent harm that may occur directly from the complementary and unconventional medicine or emerging treatments or indirectly, from delays in accessing other treatments. The consultation has… Continue reading TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine

AQJ 125: My Health Record – What’s It All About?

A few years ago, the Australian government introduced “My Health Record”, a nation-wide health database which Australians could choose to be a part of. Australians will now be automatically opted into this system unless they choose to opt out before November 15th, 2018. Some feel there are data security risks with having a centralised system… Continue reading AQJ 125: My Health Record – What’s It All About?

TWG 65: Creating your Wellness Network

This week The Wellness Guys talk about finding a wellness network. In any area of your life it is good to have some trusted advisors and confidants to help you navigate your way through and wellness is no exception. In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about the people you need to have on your team… Continue reading TWG 65: Creating your Wellness Network