TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis

This week in wellness an integrative approach may help to decrease the pain and usage in prescription opioid users. With the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) stating that the number of deaths in Australia involving opioids has nearly doubled in the decade to 2016, from 591 to 1119 and AIHW spokesperson Dr Lynelle… Continue reading TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis

TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine

The Medical Board of Australia is consulting on options to regulate medical practitioners who provide complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments. They claim the draft guidelines aim to prevent harm that may occur directly from the complementary and unconventional medicine or emerging treatments or indirectly, from delays in accessing other treatments. The consultation has… Continue reading TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine

TPS 284: Natural energy and detoxification with Dr Elson Haas

This week Brett and George are joined by an integrative doctor with 40 years experience to talk about why he believes health comes from “lifestyle first, natural therapies next and drugs and surgery last”. Dr Elson Haas shares his wisdom developed over 4 decades in practice to talk about how to re-calibrate your bodies energy,… Continue reading TPS 284: Natural energy and detoxification with Dr Elson Haas

TWG 347: Healthy Kids Happy Kids with Dr Elisa Song

This week Brett and Damian interview world renowned integrative paediatrician Dr Elisa Song from at the 6th Bioceuticals Research Symposium. Dr Song shares a wealth if information about Chronic disease in kids including just how prevalent it is, why it is so high and what we can do to not only manage it but… Continue reading TWG 347: Healthy Kids Happy Kids with Dr Elisa Song