HBH 10: Let’s Talk Toileting

It’s time we talk all about toileting. Poos and wees. Yep. We’re going there! Because the reality is, toiling is often a big deal for kids – particularly kids on the spectrum. Today I chat with the ever so knowledgable Occupational Therapist, Di Collis. We cover the topics of chronic constipation, soiling, poo withholding and… Continue reading HBH 10: Let’s Talk Toileting

HBH 9: From Autism Awareness To Autism Inclusion

There are many other parents who have travelled the path before you, and one mother in particular is making massive positive change within the schooling system to better support our kids on the spectrum. Randa Habelrih openly shares her story of how her son, Richard, experienced chronic bullying and completed high school without ever making… Continue reading HBH 9: From Autism Awareness To Autism Inclusion

HBH 8: Gut Health & Autism: Restoring A Healthy Gut

Gut health and autism – how do they relate? Autism is a brain condition, right? If you are curious about how the health of your child’s gut can impact the core characteristics of autism – then you have to tune in to today’s informative and empowering chat with the wonderful Kirsty Wirth. Kirsty is the… Continue reading HBH 8: Gut Health & Autism: Restoring A Healthy Gut

HBH 7: Social Behaviour & The Incredible 5-Point Scale with Kari Dunn Buron

This week I have the absolute privilege of chatting with Kari Dunn Buron, the inventor of the Incredible 5-Point Scale! Parents of children with autism and teachers around the globe are using this practical scale to teach self-regulation skills and reduce challenging behaviours. Kari explains how this incredible scale can be used for children on… Continue reading HBH 7: Social Behaviour & The Incredible 5-Point Scale with Kari Dunn Buron

HBH 6: All About Resources For Children With Autism

You’re in for a super practical podcast today! I chat with Tarryn an Occupational Therapist and Renee a Speech Pathologist, who developed the online resource store ‘My Diffability Australia’. Tarryn and Renee teamed up to develop the online store as a direct result of working with families and recognising that many stores were selling products… Continue reading HBH 6: All About Resources For Children With Autism

AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough

Welcome to the first episode of A Quirky Journey! Grab a cuppa, sit down, and enjoy getting to know Jo and Leah as they share their personal stories with you. Learn about the health challenges that prompted them to seek healing through food, how their experiences led them to where they are now, why sometimes whole foods is not… Continue reading AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough