AQJ 12: Mother Knows Best: Interview with Joanne Hall

What do you do when your newborn baby screams constantly in pain? Have you ever wondered what you would do if your child was diagnosed with severe allergies? What kind of approach do you take to help and heal this baby? In this episode of ‘A Quirky Journey’ we speak with the brilliantly driven Joanne Hall,… Continue reading AQJ 12: Mother Knows Best: Interview with Joanne Hall

AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

Are you on an elimination diet of some kind, whether GAPS or another one, and finding it frustrating that you seem to be reacting to foods more strongly than you used to? In this episode Jo and Leah discuss why this happens in the early phases of GAPS, and why it’s not a bad thing.  Your body… Continue reading AQJ 06: Why am I more sensitive to foods, now that I’m on GAPS?

AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS

For most people, it’s a bit scary to think of moving away from your usual way of eating to a gut-healing diet like GAPS, and one of the scariest things is the thought of the de-toxing and die-off symptoms that you’ll go through. So how does it feel to go through the die-off phase of GAPS? What kinds… Continue reading AQJ 05: Gut healing, de-toxing, and how it feels to go through the die-off phase of GAPS

AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough

Welcome to the first episode of A Quirky Journey! Grab a cuppa, sit down, and enjoy getting to know Jo and Leah as they share their personal stories with you. Learn about the health challenges that prompted them to seek healing through food, how their experiences led them to where they are now, why sometimes whole foods is not… Continue reading AQJ 01: Our stories: why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough