SLP 14: Self Love Quicky – Connections With Uluru

“There is nothing like going into deep-dive conversations with people you know well, and even more so people you don’t know well. There’s a vulnerability in sharing. There’s an absolute beauty in honouring each other’s vulnerabilities and listening to each of us tell our stories just reminded me so much of the importance of self-love… Continue reading SLP 14: Self Love Quicky – Connections With Uluru

SLP 13: Raising Hope And Possibility with Erin Barnes

“An email came through from Seth Godin this morning and it said, ‘Will everything be OK?’ And he’d written it depends on what you mean by that. Is everything going to be the way it was and how I expect it to be? Then the answer would be no! And it always has been no.… Continue reading SLP 13: Raising Hope And Possibility with Erin Barnes

SLP 12: Self Love Quicky – 28 Self-Care Rituals

One of the most important writings that always reminds me of the importance of self-care is this beautiful Chinese Proverb; If there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there is harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there is… Continue reading SLP 12: Self Love Quicky – 28 Self-Care Rituals

SLP 11: Modelling Excellence with Juliet Lever

“Generally life is like a repetition of the patterns and programming that we received in our imprint period which is about from the ages of 0-7 where you had your first experiences with the world where maybe you had an experience of being yelled at by your father. And if that’s still unhealed within you… Continue reading SLP 11: Modelling Excellence with Juliet Lever

SLP 10: Self Love Quicky on Making Yourself A Priority

‘What if you could receive compliments with ease and just say two words when someone comments on how great you look or what a great job you have done? Avoid throwing the compliment back in their face by seeking another or dismissing it altogether. Those two words are simple – THANK YOU!’ Everywhere I go… Continue reading SLP 10: Self Love Quicky on Making Yourself A Priority

SLP 9: The Prize Of Acceptance with Dr Eric Zielinski

“I stumbled upon this quote from Michelle Obama and it made me stop and it made me really think. It really made me acknowledge areas where I took this for granted. And I think as a people we need to recognise in her words, ‘Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong… Continue reading SLP 9: The Prize Of Acceptance with Dr Eric Zielinski

SLP 8: Self Love Quicky on Lavender

“If it was described as a personality then I know Valerie Ann Worwood has described it as the ‘mother’ or ‘grandmother’ of essential oils. And she says that Lavender’s personality is eclectic and formidable, yet gentle and kind. She’s able to care for a multitude of physical and psychological problems and like a mother, can… Continue reading SLP 8: Self Love Quicky on Lavender

SLP 7: My Reality My Choice with Dr Maria Zuschmann

“I always try and walk my talk. I own my humanness and I own my imperfections when I’m a bit off track. And one of the things that keeps me really well on track is the fact that I show up. And if I’m teaching this stuff I better bloody be walking my talk right?”… Continue reading SLP 7: My Reality My Choice with Dr Maria Zuschmann

SLP 6: Self Love Quicky – 10 Morning Self Care Rituals

“Remember even if you have young children, there is always an opportunity to make some space or to allow them to see you doing the things you need to do, and make it a non-negotiable.” Self-care is not selfish – it’s essential, and if you want to love yourself up you must make your self-care… Continue reading SLP 6: Self Love Quicky – 10 Morning Self Care Rituals

SLP 5: Know Thyself with Carren Smith

“It waxes and wanes, you know sometimes I think I’m amazing and I just love my own company and I feel like I’m in a whole world of bliss. And there are other times when I’m completely lost and I don’t know who I am, what I am or what my name is. And once… Continue reading SLP 5: Know Thyself with Carren Smith