SLP 154: Self Love Quicky – Jasmine Essential Oil

The intense, rich, warm, floral scent of Jasminum officinale can be quite intoxicating and alluring. Jasmine, which is extracted from the exquisite white star-shaped flower, is one of the best essential oils to support the nervous and reproductive systems. With mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities it is excellent to use in a massage blend to… Continue reading SLP 154: Self Love Quicky – Jasmine Essential Oil

SLP 136: Self Love Quicky – Myrrh Essential Oil

If ever there was an essential oil to use to support rejuvenation and endurance, then Myrrh or Commiphora myrrha would be it! An amazing oil to help you through physically and emotionally demanding times and particularly perfect for this time of year being the festive season. The history of Myrrh is closely tied to that… Continue reading SLP 136: Self Love Quicky – Myrrh Essential Oil