SLP 51: Lead Yourself First with Lisa Thompson

This week’s podcast is a beautiful deep dive into what it takes to lead yourself first. Lisa Thompson began her career after studying Psychology, Social Work and Counselling, working predominantly in crisis spaces, including youth homelessness and a hospital emergency department. She now describes herself as an expression of love, hope and inspiration, enlightening others… Continue reading SLP 51: Lead Yourself First with Lisa Thompson

SLP 50: Self Love Quicky – What Is Natural Skincare?

This week I am celebrating 50 shows and I want to thank you especially for tuning in and making it a possibility. I am so grateful for all your love and shares and wanted to take this opportunity to also acknowledge my amazing business Twenty8 Essentials for being the main sponsor of the show. It… Continue reading SLP 50: Self Love Quicky – What Is Natural Skincare?

SLP 49: When You Do The Work, The Work Works with Brendon Giebel

“Ask for help. As hard as it is, and I know it’s not bred in men to ask for help. It’s seen as a sign of weakness but just seek help pretty much. You don’t necessarily have to go out and say that my life’s so bad, what am I going to do with this… Continue reading SLP 49: When You Do The Work, The Work Works with Brendon Giebel

SLP 48: Self Love Quicky – Essential Oil Ingestion Safety

Essential oils are truly amazing, they can literally support and change lives and there are many ways in which we can use them powerfully. The ingestion of oils is perhaps one of the most controversial topics amongst users of essential oils, aromatherapy enthusiasts and practitioners and this week we address the importance of understanding how… Continue reading SLP 48: Self Love Quicky – Essential Oil Ingestion Safety

SLP 47: Let Your Heart Be Your Compass with Jake Stone and Callan Krause

It’s not often you get to interview two young men who have been through a lot in their relatively short lives and have chosen to learn from their challenges, invested into their growth and taught themselves to let their hearts be their compass. This week we talk to an Australian Body Board Champion who endured… Continue reading SLP 47: Let Your Heart Be Your Compass with Jake Stone and Callan Krause

SLP 46: Self Love Quicky – Earning Self Respect

In this week’s Self Love Quicky I invite you to think about the words ‘self-respect’ and what it means to you. How do you know when you have it? What does someone look like to you who has self-respect? How do we build a higher level of self-worth, self-love and self-respect? Discussed in my book… Continue reading SLP 46: Self Love Quicky – Earning Self Respect

SLP 45: Leading With Grace And Grit with Jeanette Allom-Hill

“My nickname for many many many years professionally from one of my managers a lifetime ago, she said to me, ‘You are marshmallow covered steel!’ I love that! I talk very much about that ability to be a brave leader, but a brave leader with heart. So I think it’s balancing the authenticity of who… Continue reading SLP 45: Leading With Grace And Grit with Jeanette Allom-Hill

SLP 44: Self Love Quicky – Become A Master Of Self Love

Self-Love is having regard for one’s own wellbeing and happiness. In this week’s Self Love Quicky week we take a close look at how we can create more self-love and awareness so we can live the life we were destined to live. And here’s the best part, you don’t have to do this alone or… Continue reading SLP 44: Self Love Quicky – Become A Master Of Self Love

SLP 43: The Flow And Energy Of Money with Jodie Nolan

“One of the first things I like to focus on with people is to say, “Look, what energy are you giving to money and wealth?” Because if you are negative and you’re focusing on the negatives, which we sometimes tend to do naturally, then that’s just going to bring in more of that same emotion.… Continue reading SLP 43: The Flow And Energy Of Money with Jodie Nolan

SLP 42: Self Love Quicky – The 4 Agreements

This is one of my most favourite self-help and personal growth books written by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author, whose unique writings are based on ancient Toltec wisdom. This book is for people who are interested in ancient teachings and self-enlightenment and I have decided to share why it is a book I reference… Continue reading SLP 42: Self Love Quicky – The 4 Agreements