MUM 50: Andrea Huddleston : Optimizing Fertility After 30

Dr Andrea Huddleston Bio: Dr Andrea Huddleston is an integrative chiropractor, women’s health and natural fertility specialist. With extensive postgraduate studies in women’s health, reproductive medicine, natural fertility, nutritional medicine and wellness coaching and as the co-founder and co-host of The Wellness Women, Dr Andrea is passionate about spreading the message of optimal health and leading… Continue reading MUM 50: Andrea Huddleston : Optimizing Fertility After 30

MUM 49: Damian Kristof : Nutrition, Preconception to Birth and Beyond

Hi All, It was truly fab to have my dear friend and coolague on the show sharing his wisdom on preconception nutrition and all mums- to be can do before pregnancy to ensure optimal health for themselves and their future baby. Enjoy!! Kaz x Dr Damian Kristof Bio: I’ve been in the health industry now… Continue reading MUM 49: Damian Kristof : Nutrition, Preconception to Birth and Beyond

MUM 48: Karen Tham : Choosing a Home Birth

I absolutely loved this episode! Super relaxed and it was my first time interviewing my guest in person, sitting relaxed on the couch and having a chat. I could get used to it! Not only do Karen and I have the same name (ok well you all know me as Kaz , true, which is… Continue reading MUM 48: Karen Tham : Choosing a Home Birth

MUM 047: Amanda Gowland : Healing with GAPS. (Gut And Psychology Syndrome)

Healing with GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome) Wow!! Mamas are amazing. You will love this share. Amanda is certainly a mama on a mission and I have so much respect for all the work that both her and her partner do in keeping their son halthy and in healing him and restoring his health. What… Continue reading MUM 047: Amanda Gowland : Healing with GAPS. (Gut And Psychology Syndrome)

MUM 046: Chris Muller : Aware Parenting

We often forget that our parenting skills are constantly a work in progress. Our own cultures  or our childhood experiences and those of our partner all have an impact on how we will raise our children. Whilst there is no one way for everyone, there are certainly some methods that honour the child and the… Continue reading MUM 046: Chris Muller : Aware Parenting

MUM 045: Julie Tenner : Finding Your Desire

Definitely one of my fave episodes to date. Julie is so eloquent, she shares so deeply, she is so so wise and I feel blessed to be able to bring you this episode. Its a goodie! You will have tingles. Enjoy!! X Kaz Julie Tenner’s Bio Julie Tenner, The Pleasure Nutritionist and co-founder of Nourishing… Continue reading MUM 045: Julie Tenner : Finding Your Desire

MUM 044: Mihal Greener : Expat Families Returning Home

It was great to have Mihal share her story of relocating her family across the globe. Its not our typical birth or pregnancy topic but certainly one that relates to parenting and many of our international listeners. So many great tips and so much I could relate to. Enjoy! X Kaz Mihal Greener Bio Mihal… Continue reading MUM 044: Mihal Greener : Expat Families Returning Home


Post Partum Relationships. You change when you become a parent. We know that. But how will your relationship change? ‘Cos it will.  Know that. Be prepared as much as you can. Oh this topic is is so needed. So Important yet crazily often overlooked. Gail Bousi shares with us some insights on this fabulous episode.… Continue reading MUM 043: Gail Bousi : POST-PARTUM RELATIONSHIPS

MUM 042: Barbara Harper : WATERBIRTH

Yes its true – I have truly been looking forward to sharing this episode more than any other. As a 2x Waterbirther myself and knowing that I would only ever choose to birth in water given the chance again, this topic is dear to my heart. Not that I want all women to birth in… Continue reading MUM 042: Barbara Harper : WATERBIRTH

MUM 041: Yuz Rozenblum : Postnatal Depression (it’s ok to not be ok)

This podcast is intended to make others not feel alone and to help them know where they can get help. Please make sure it is shared and fulfils its purpose!! xx Kaz Yuz Rozenblum Bio : I live in Melbourne Australia & am in my late 30’s. I have a degree in Marketing & spent over… Continue reading MUM 041: Yuz Rozenblum : Postnatal Depression (it’s ok to not be ok)